Despite what store sales, advertisements, and the Democrats have said, this day is not about getting the lowest prices or barbecues. It’s about remembering those who died in service to our country, and honoring them.
Remember them. Honor them. Celebrate their lives and memory. #GoSilent with us at 12:01 ET #MemorialDay
— IAVA (@iava) May 25, 2015
People are responding with pictures and memories.
Tomorrow at 12:01 PM, ET, #GoSilent for PFC Juan Restrepo, 2/503 Battle Company, 173rd ABN @IAVA
— Sebastian Junger (@sebastianjunger) May 25, 2015
I will #GoSilent for CPT Josh McClimmans. It's been 4 years and it still feels numbing. @iava #MemorialDay
— Canh (@canhlol) May 25, 2015
I pledge to #GoSilent for Sgt. Ryan D. Jopek KIA Tikrit, Iraq 08.02.2006. @iava #WisconsinNationalGuard
— Sara Poquette (@sarasouldier) May 24, 2015
I will #GoSilent tomorrow in honor of 2LT John Vaughan, always missed, never forgotten! #MemorialDay @iava
— Zach McIlwain (@ZachMcIlwain) May 24, 2015
For my Grandfather Major. Henry Dwight, and all former or active military I will #GoSilent tomorrow. #lovemycountry
— Daniel Dwight (@daydaybass) May 24, 2015
This year marks both the 150th anniversary of the end of the Civil War, and the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Those two wars alone account for over a million Americans who died in service to their country.
I will #GoSilent for USN LCDR Roderick Lester, USS KittyHawk; MIA 08-20-1972, declared dead while missing 08-02-1978.
— Eric Fisher (@fishbits) May 25, 2015
Today is the day to honor the fallen with all the thanks of a grateful nation.
Deanna, thought you should know IAVA is NOT respected in the ranks of veterans. While the Go Silent campaign is admirable, much of the money raised by them goes to most everyone EXCEPT veterans.
Visit “This ain’t hell” website and type IAVA in the search box and you’ll see what I mean.
This is a perfect story about why we spend a day celebrating the honored dead (and not all veterans):
Because even our lowest in rank (maybe especially) have more iron in their stomachs than most of the rest of the world. And these two had more than all of our political class in DC, combined.
Semper Fi and RIP, gentlemen. And, thank you.