Michelle To Men: Vote For Kamala So Women Can Have Abortions

Michelle To Men: Vote For Kamala So Women Can Have Abortions

Michelle To Men: Vote For Kamala So Women Can Have Abortions

Michelle Obama is disappointed in men. You see, according to Michelle, they need to vote for Kamala so that the women in their lives can have abortions.

In her first appearance on the campaign trail during this election, Mrs. Obama, long reluctant to engage in the political arena, described the far-reaching consequences of the 2022 Supreme Court decision overturning the constitutional right to abortion, in the concrete terms of personal tragedy.

“If your wife is shivering and bleeding on the operating room table during a routine delivery gone bad, her pressure dropping as she loses more and more blood, or some unforeseen infection spreads and her doctors aren’t sure if they can act, you will be the one praying that it’s not too late,” Mrs. Obama said. “You will be the one pleading for somebody, anybody, to do something.”

And while she acknowledged the anger that many Americans feel about the “slow pace of change” in the country, she warned: “If we don’t get this election right, your wife, your daughter, your mother, we as women, will become collateral damage to your rage.”

I tell you what. If that doctor fails to act, then he or she needs their medical license yanked permanently. Or perhaps she’s referring to THESE so-called “doctors.”

Putting politics ahead of helping someone in need. Got it. 

Meanwhile, here’s Michelle, scolding men for not stepping up to vote for Kamala. How dare they be so racist and sexist as to ignore Kamala and put women at the back of the bus again??!! 

If that was Michelle’s best, she has some work to do. It was bitter, angry, and divisive. It was an echo of her husband’s speech earlier this month. 

Their overarching theme is: Men who refuse to vote for Kamala are racist and sexist. 

Michelle then took it a step further and implied that women are still being controlled by their husbands, fathers, brothers, or boyfriends. 

Obama also beseeched women to demand the men in their lives do better by them and remember ‘we are more than just baby-making vessels.’

She said if they are in a household where a man does not value them or their opinion ‘just remember that your vote is a private matter.’

As the former first lady spoke, she received thunderous applause at times from the energized crowd while attendees passionately nodded along during her deeply emotional appeal.

No, that’s not bitter nor divisive whatsoever. I mean, how dare WE WOMEN or the men for that matter, have reasonable expectations of a candidate, especially a female one? 

And she castigated the media and many voters for holding Ms. Harris to a higher standard than her opponent, for “choosing to ignore Donald Trump’s gross incompetence, while asking Kamala to dazzle us at every turn.”

“We expect her to be intelligent and articulate, to have a clear set of policies, to never show too much anger, to prove time and time again that she belongs,” Mrs. Obama said. “But for Trump, we expect nothing at all, no understanding of policy, no ability to put together a coherent argument, no honesty, no decency, no morals.”

Michelle, here’s a clue bat. It doesn’t matter if Kamala is green with pink polka dots. Every eligible American voter out there SHOULD expect Kamala to be able to tell us succinctly what her policy positions are. But she hasn’t, and she can’t. 

Kamala has been given multiple opportunities to tell us where she stands on the border, illegal immigration, inflation, taxes, healthcare, the economy, and foreign policy. She’s failed miserably EVERY SINGLE TIME. Instead she reverts to her track record as a prosecutor and attorney general. About that…

But all Michelle can do is lecture men. Vote for Kamala so the women in your lives can have an abortion any time they want is quite the closing argument for a campaign.

Psychotic for sure, and a desperate one at that! 

Which is interesting given that Michelle’s speech to the DNC was chock full of HOPE and JOY. But now, with nine days left, she’s kicked hope to the curb and declares men are still subjugating women and are racist if they don’t vote for Kamala? 

Poor Michelle, it must be oh so tiring to lug all that bitterness and disappointment around for so many years.

I’m sure it puts quite a cramp in your style. 

Feature Photo Credit: Michelle in 2016 by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    Look up “Angry Black Woman” and you’ll find a picture of Big Mike…

    She’s just playing to the base. beta “males” that know they’ll be terrible fathers, who want the freedom to be complete shitbags _Epstein, Weinstein, Diddy, et al, with no children to “drag them down”, using women like nothing more than toys, treating them all as if they were skanks like” Megan Thee Stallion” (is she really dumb enough to not know that a stallion is a MALE horse?).. That is the proto-typical “progressive” male… he either wants to be a woman, or is a member of the Slap-A-Ho tribe..

  • CDC says:

    K Harris and M Obama followed the carefully sculpted path laid for them and are angry because they have no power over those who earned their wings.

  • A reader says:

    “Angry black woman” is misogynoir— aka hatred or and prejudice toward black women. It’s also been a trope used for centuries to justify violence against black women. Tell me again that you’re not racist?

    Also, her point wasn’t specifically so women can have abortions. If you actually listen to the whole speech, she’s talking about women’s reproductive health in general, which includes more than just abortions. You do realize that OBGYNs are fleeing states with abortion bans because they are afraid of being jailed for providing necessary care, right? (This includes care for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies since the laws are written so poorly.) So there are whole parts of the country where women can’t be treated for pregnancies or even regular Pap smears and mammograms because there are no OBGYNs. This is literally happening in Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Idaho, etc. In her speech, Michelle mentions this. And I quote: “‘Your wife, or mother, could be the ones at higher risk of dying from undiagnosed cervical cancer because they have no access to regular gynecological care.’”

    She continues: “‘If your wife is shivering and bleeding on the operating room table during a routine delivery gone bad, her pressure dropping as she loses more and more blood, or some unforeseen infection spreads and her doctors aren’t sure if they can act, you will be the one praying that it’s not too late. You will be the one pleading for somebody, anybody, to do something.’”

    And related to your post: “‘There is the tragic but very real possibility that in the worst-case scenario, you just might be the one holding flowers at the funeral. You might be the one left to raise your children alone.’”

    Reproductive care is about more than just abortion as you should be well aware. It is about all of a woman’s reproductive health, including regular screenings. It’s about whether there are doctors who can treat you, your daughter, niece, granddaughter, etc. And if a nationwide abortion ban is put in place, or the statewide bans are allowed to continue, there will be whole swaths of the country where women will die for lack of care. And the men in their lives will be the ones left behind. But nice gaslighting. A+ as usual.

    • Cameron says:

      So there are whole parts of the country where women can’t be treated for pregnancies or even regular Pap smears and mammograms because there are no OBGYNs.

      I know the lies give you a great deal of comfort but sooner or later, you will have to let them go.

      And if a nationwide abortion ban is put in place, or the statewide bans are allowed to continue, there will be whole swaths of the country where women will die for lack of care.

      Oh noes. Women will be too stupid to realize that they can drive or fly to other states. THE HORROR!

      You really need to get your blood pressure checked soon. You’re well on your way to a stroke.

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