Hiring The Mob

Hiring The Mob

Hiring The Mob

You are never too old to learn something new. Did you know you could hire a mob, crowd, audience, or attendees for your next event? Yes, you can. Once upon a time, it was said that Elvis and the Beatles used paid audience members. So why not do the same for protests? Or how about just making something political go viral on TikTok?

America is the land of opportunity. Of course, I should have known that some business would be created for such a thing as mob rallying. Oh, but it’s more than that.

Sure, you’ve seen the young men in khaki pants and polo shirts, who are all of the same build, sporting the same crewcuts, matching ball caps, and sunglasses, and marching around some city waving flags—or the Feds, as some like to call them.

The answers in that X post are hilarious. My favorite comment was, “White Dudes For Harris.”

We have all heard speculations and rumors that Kamala Harris has to pay people to attend her rallies and campaign stops. Trump has accused Harris of using AI-generated photos of her crowd sizes. But is it AI or rent-an-audience?

The Business of Politics

Businesses have been established so that you can rent a crowd. And the creative ways politicians can utilize these businesses are endless. Not only can you hire them for your events, but you can also hire them to disrupt your opponent’s events. It happened in 2016 when Hillary’s people hired rabble-rousers to attend Trump rallies.

Kamala Harris bused in “supporters” to a rally in what looked like an obvious effort to make her campaign look bigger than it is. Women dressed in “Handmaid’s Tale” garb picketed in front of U.S. Supreme Court Justices’ homes to pressure justices into changing their minds, insurrection-style, after the Dobbs draft decision was leaked. Democrat operatives sent agents provocateurs to Trump rallies to try and start fights while in line and disrupt his speeches in 2016. In 2008, at a Hillary Clinton speech, a couple of guys heckled her with “Iron my shirts!” – PJ Media

And what of those Trump rallies today? Could he be hiring his crowds, too? It is highly doubtful. I mean, look at what happened in his Butler, Pennsylvania rally where he narrowly missed the bullet of an assassin? Would a hired crowd react like they did? No.

Trump doesn’t need to hire crowds because his audience is made up of homegrown Patriots who want America to be great again. It’s real. The crowds are real. And you know that if crowds were hired, we’d all know about it by now. Where are the receipts? There are none.

Not only can you rent a crowd, but you can also hire them to speak on your behalf. Maybe Joe Biden should have thought about that before Obama and Nancy conspired. Not that any of that would matter anyway.

Crowds On Demand founder and CEO Adam Swart, who is based in Los Angeles, started his crowd-renting business in 2012.

Swart’s company does a bit of everything.

Crowds on Demand promises crowds “to move forward a healthcare, financial, energy, or other social initiative, we can organize rallies and get media attention for your causes and candidates.”

“If you need to hire protesters, we can get a crowd on the street, sometimes within 24 hours time,” the company’s website promises.

Need to make astroturfed phone calls to Congress? “We also have a dedicated team of phone-banking staff who can call Congressional Offices and convince government officials to support your cause and help you overcome opposition.” – PJ Media

Phone calls to Congress? No wonder Democrats are dominating social issues. They like to cheat, so why not hire a bunch of people to phone-in the cause.

PJ Media tells us Swart wasn’t the first entrepreneur to start this business. Swarm claims he just duplicated it and improved it, if you will. And this sort of racket should make you question everything.

What do you think? Do you consider this to be fair? Comments are open.

Feature Image: Created in Canva Pro

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  • draigh says:

    Do you think the George Floyd riots were just a bunch of people outraged by the videos? How much money did ANTIFA and BLM make off of those “Peaceful Protests?”

  • GWB says:

    Did you know you could hire a mob, crowd, audience, or attendees for your next event?
    Yes, actually, I did. Of course, in doing so, you get slapped down for trying to fake popularity (if that’s what you were going for).

    But is it AI or rent-an-audience?
    She’s done both. But that one picture was – while not nearly as obviously AI as some think – really kinda out there in the realms of copy-n-paste.

    And, it makes sense, if you look at one of their partners in a**holery of late: the Palestinians. There’s a reason for the moniker “Pallywood.” They’ve been caught doctoring (or dishonestly framing) all kinds of photos over the years. From the basic “That dude in the body bag moved” to the classic photo with multiple smoke billows c&p’ed all over it. (I think Time printed that one, and got called out massively over it. Partly because it was so obvious.) So, hiring a crowd, then using AI to make it seem larger in a photo is certainly not beyond their ken. (If I were Swart, I’d argue they committed fraud with that one, though. They hired him to produce X people, then used AI to make it twice as big? When they could have just paid for twice as many people from his agency? You lied to me, baby!)

    However, the hiring of the antifa and other mobs – those are actually real people who like to commit violence and destruction. Arguably, hiring those folks is “conspiracy to commit” whatever the crimes are. Somebody should look into that. Like some hungry young conservative prosecutor.

  • CDC says:

    Communities just a few decades ago adhered to the broken window theory,looks like they were right.

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