White House Bad Blood: Joe And Kamala At Odds With Each Other

White House Bad Blood: Joe And Kamala At Odds With Each Other

White House Bad Blood: Joe And Kamala At Odds With Each Other

In light of all that has happened over the last several months, the bad blood in the White House between Team Biden and Team Harris feels like it was inevitable.

A new story out by Axios reporter Alex Thompson – one of the few reporters willing to press the White House, or the Harris campaign, for answers about Joe and Kamala – is chronicling the problems between the two camps currently sharing the Executive Branch. In short, Team Biden is still pissed about how the “elderly man with a poor memory” was unceremoniously shoved out a window to make room for Kamala Harris version 2.0 3.0 4.0 – the same Kamala Harris that the media was thinking should be replaced on the ticket before Joe Biden completely melted down on the debate stage. It’s become obvious to a whole lot of people that Joe is very bitter about what happened.

And then there is Team Harris, who is apparently big mad that Joe Biden has been counter-programming their candidate AND not backing her up when she tried to pick a fight with Governor Ron DeSantis. Kamala, who is Schrödinger’s Vice President – the one responsible for everything good and yet blameless because she wasn’t in charge – has a bone to pick with Old Joe.

Maybe Kamala can get Taylor Swift to perform “Bad Blood” at the White House to make both sides come together?

Biden’s team wants Harris to win the election, but many senior Biden aides remain wounded by the president being pushed out of his re-election bid and are still adjusting to being in a supporting role on the campaign trail.

“They’re too much in their feelings,” one close Harris ally said of the president’s team — a sentiment shared even by some White House aides.

Harris’ team has been trying to add staff to the vice president’s official office to handle the bigger workload. It’s been frustrated at the White House’s pace in getting people detailed for that, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The White House has been working to help Harris’ team but has been frustrated by some of the rules about who can be detailed and when.

Several Biden aides have joined Harris’ campaign, but some feel like they’ve been labeled as disloyal by Biden’s team for leaving or even considering it.

On Harris’ campaign, there’s also awkwardness between some who were on Biden’s original campaign staff and the Harris allies who’ve been installed in recent weeks.

In the weeks after Harris became the Democratic nominee, there were squabbles about whether Biden’s main surrogates on television would continue in those roles or if new faces would emerge, two people familiar with the matter told Axios.

Harris’ team prevailed and new surrogates began appearing frequently.

Some on Harris’ team are wary of the Biden campaign crew they’re now working with.

After all, Biden’s team publicly argued that Harris was less electable than Biden in the weeks after the president’s disastrous debate in June.

Despite the sore feelings among some Biden aides, much of the president’s staff is actively rooting for and trying to work toward a Harris victory.

There is frustration about coordination among senior staffers on both sides, but much of the mid-level staff is working well together, people familiar with the dynamic told Axios.

The White House denied there’s tension among senior staffers.

There is definite annoyance among Biden loyalists that this is leaking out of the White House, or even being discussed.

But everyone knows that, despite paying lip service to supporting Kamala Harris, both Joe (and Jill) are VERY bitter.

It’s glaringly obvious that there is “tension” between the Biden and Harris camps. Team Biden is going to be salty for a very long time about how he was summarily booted off the ticket after winning all the primaries, and Biden and Harris have always had tension between each other. The Biden camp will be very angry until the “tell-all” books about Biden’s progressive dementia are written and reveal just how much Jill, Kamala, and the entire White House staff was covering for the old man. Team Harris, on the other hand, is showing that they are incredibly inept, and that falls to the quality of their candidate. Kamala is an empty pantsuit, Tim Walz is a weirdo, and should they lose, the turning point of the campaign might not be when Biden dropped out and Kamala took over, but when Kamala “went with her gut” and picked Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro. Shapiro would have nearly guaranteed her a win in Pennsylvania. Now, RealClearPolitics says the race in Pennsylvania is a dead heat, with a slight edge to Donald Trump. If that “gut decision” that Kamala made to pick Walz ends up costing her Pennsylvania, and the general election, then what does that say about her political instincts?

And yes, Joe Biden will absolutely gloat if she loses. And if he doesn’t, then Jill certainly will. If Kamala Harris loses the election, the current “bad blood” in the White House will devolve into two camps with proverbial knives out for each other, as two political careers will be coming to an end and both sides will be looking to blame the other one. In other words, make sure you have popcorn at the ready.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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