Kamala Goes To The Border Because She Has To Pretend To Care

Kamala Goes To The Border Because She Has To Pretend To Care

Kamala Goes To The Border Because She Has To Pretend To Care

Everyone knows why Kamala Harris is going to Arizona today, and it isn’t because she suddenly cares about the flood of illegal migrants coming into the country. Her photo op and speech today are all about making it look like she cares.

If Kamala Harris truly cared about the border, this wouldn’t be her first trip back there in over THREE YEARS. Yes, the “border czar” who didn’t want the job (and then the media desperately tried to erase any mention of her being “border czar”) made a pit stop in El Paso, Texas back in June 2021, and hasn’t gone back since. She trashed the Border Patrol in the whole “whipping migrants” hoax (which she’s never apologized for, and I’m sure the Border Patrol has never forgotten about), and she’s steadfastly ignored the high-profile murders and crimes and violence against American women and girls at the hands of illegal aliens. The only “women’s issues” that Kamala Harris cares about are equal pay (so that women can keep making money for taxes for her to spend) and abortion (so they never leave the jobs to make the tax money for her to spend). A young mother dies because she didn’t get appropriate care after taking an abortion pill? Harris is giving a speech and “speaking her name.” A young mother dies at the hands of an illegal alien? Crickets, with a belated copy/paste statement from the White House once they knew it had become an issue in the media.

The reason for Kamala’s visit is painfully transparent. Even the headline at CNN admits it – “Harris heads to the US southern border, looking to close a polling gap with Trump.” Her campaign knows that she is weak on the border, and this is an attempt to look like she gives a shit. But no honest person is being fooled by this.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) blasted Vice President Harris’ handling of the border crisis ahead of the Democratic presidential nominee’s visit to Douglas, Arizona, on Friday.

“It’s been more than three years since Vice President and ‘border czar’ Kamala Harris last went to the border, and her last-ditch visit now is little more than the arsonist returning to the scene of the fire,” he said in a statement. “Since President Biden charged her with stemming the historic surge of illegal aliens across our sovereign borders, CBP has recorded more than 10 million inadmissible alien encounters, more than triple the number recorded under the prior administration. Millions of these individuals, along with roughly two million known gotaways, have descended on every community in this country, putting a massive strain on local resources and causing untold pain and suffering for families of innocent Americans like Rachel Morin, Laken Riley, and Jocelyn Nungaray. Vice President Harris has no interest in securing the border and ending this crisis—because it is the Biden-Harris administration’s refusal to enforce the laws passed by Congress that caused it in the first place.”

Donald Trump correctly pointed out that Kamala has the power RIGHT NOW to begin to fix things, but she isn’t.

During a Thursday press conference in New York, Trump denounced Harris’ border visit, telling reporters “she should save her airfare.”

“She should go back to the White House and tell the president to close the border,” Trump said. “He can do it with the signing of just a signature and a piece of paper to the border patrol.”

And people who are living through this aren’t fooled, either.

“Donald Trump built the wall and upheld our immigration laws. On day one, she stopped the wall and encouraged illegal immigration,” Tyler Klump, whose cattle ranch on the Arizona border in Douglas is a superhighway for illegal crossings from Mexico, told The Post.

Klump says he believes the Democratic presidential nominee is trying to show she’s serious about the border crisis only because of the election.

Truthfully, we already know what Kamala Harris wants to do about the border and immigration. She’s already told us.

Step one is to always blame Donald Trump. Step two is to push for amnesty, and then a “pathway to citizenship.” This is what she told Stephanie Ruhle during her interview on Wednesday.

Well, first of all, we do have a broken immigration system. And it needs to be fixed.

And if we take a step back, months ago, some of the most conservative members of the United States Congress came together with others, proposed a border security bill that would have put 1,500 new border agents on the border to help those hardworking border agents who are there right now working around the clock, would have put more money into stemming the flow of fentanyl, which is killing Americans around our country and devastating communities, would have put more resources into our ability to prosecute transnational criminal organizations, which, in my career, I have prosecuted.

Donald Trump got word of the bill, realized it was going to fix a problem he wanted to run on, and told them to kill the bill, don’t put it up for a vote. He killed a bill that would have actually been a solution, because he wants to run on a problem, instead of fixing a problem.

And that’s part of what needs to be addressed. And my pledge is that, when elected president, if the American people will have me, I will bring that bill back and I will sign it into law. And we need a comprehensive plan that includes what we need to do to fortify not only our border, but deal with the fact that we also need to create pathways for people to earn citizenship.

That bill, which Senator James Lankford (R-OK) helped write, was a crap sandwich stuffed with pork, which we covered here at the time. Remember, it wasn’t JUST about the border.

The $118 billion national security supplemental includes $60 billion for Ukraine, $14.1 billion for Israel, aid for Indo-Pacific allies and the bipartisan border security agreement.

The border security component — which totals $20 billion — would give the federal government temporary authority to expel migrants when the average number of daily crossings exceeds a threshold, end “catch and release,” raise standards for asylum screenings and seek to process claims quicker, among other provisions.

So, that bill would have given the border $20 billion, but would not have closed it unless a certain number got across first, and even then, the president didn’t have to agree to it.

That bill was rightfully DOA on its own merits without Donald Trump’s input. But Senator Lankford’s involvement as the patsy gave the Biden-Harris administration the “bipartisan” fig leaf they needed to claim that this bill would have solved ALL the problems, and that is what Kamala Harris is now using to blame Donald Trump for the border problems – again, forgetting that she is vice president RIGHT NOW.

Meanwhile, maybe if she’s lucky, Kamala will be able to personally greet some incoming illegals herself!

At the rate the Secret Service is going, there’s got to be a 50-50 chance of that, right?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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