Foreign Election Interference: Ukraine’s Zelensky Chooses Harris Over Trump

Foreign Election Interference: Ukraine’s Zelensky Chooses Harris Over Trump

Foreign Election Interference: Ukraine’s Zelensky Chooses Harris Over Trump

Wouldn’t this be defined as foreign election interference? In addition to demanding more money, guns, and ammo, Ukraine’s President Zelensky decided to campaign for Kamala Harris today.

Of course, that wasn’t how it was phrased in the run up to Zelensky and his wife showing up in Washington D.C. over the weekend. Nope, this trip along with yet another visit to the United Nations was supposedly to help put another brick in Biden’s legacy wall. 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will appeal to President Joe Biden’s sense of legacy when he pitches his new “victory plan” to achieve a just peace in Ukraine, he told journalists ahead of his trip to the United States.

The plan will include requests to strengthen Ukraine’s arsenal as well as permission to strike targets deeper inside Russia, he said in the meeting late Friday at the presidential office.

“Biden can strengthen Ukraine and make important decisions for Ukraine to become stronger and protect its independence while he is the president of the United States,” Zelensky said. “I think it is a historical mission. Well, at least from the perspective of Ukraine.”

But once he arrived in the U.S., things took an interesting and infuriating turn. Evidently he sat for an interview with The New Yorker before flying to the U.S. During which he spoke very critically about President Trump and J.D. Vance. 

Donald Trump doesn’t know how to stop the war in Ukraine, despite claiming he could end it on his first day as US president, Volodymyr Zelensky has said.

In his harshest criticism yet of the Republican presidential nominee, the Ukrainian president also described Trump’s running mate JD Vance as “dangerous” and “too radical”.

“His message seems to be that Ukraine must make a sacrifice,” Mr Zelensky said of Mr Vance in an interview with the New Yorker magazine before he flew to the US to present his “Victory Plan” to the White House this week. “But I believe that we have shielded America from total war.”

Mr Vance has been criticised by supporters of Ukraine for pushing a peace deal that consolidates the Kremlin’s control over captured territory.

Mr Zelensky said such a deal would disrespect the sacrifices that Ukrainian soldiers have made, appease Vladimir Putin and encourage other dictators to invade their neighbours.

Isn’t that just lovely of him? He’s essentially stating that any proposal from a Trump Vance Administration is DOA because reasons. 

But it’s what happened here in the U.S. that is angering many, including myself. 

Our tax dollars paid for his flight to the United States. 

Then he’s flown to Pennsylvania to grandstand at an ammunition plant. 

This is just infuriating. We’ve sent nearly $60 BILLION in money, arms, and ammunition to Ukraine without question. We have troops in the vicinity training Ukrainian forces. Pennsylvania has sent National Guard troops to assist, yet won’t send anyone to the border. 

I get that there’s a significant population of Ukrainians in Pennsylvania who likely have family in the midst of this Russia/Ukraine war. But this is also a very blatant political move regarding a state that is very much in play this Presidential Election season. 

Furthermore, just imagine if Zelensky had flipped the script and spoken harshly about Kamala Harris. Or if, as Legal Insurrection points out, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed up in the U.S. and endorsed President Trump. HEADS WOULD EXPLODE, screams of ‘foreign election interference! would deafen us, and impeachment proceedings would commence at lightening speed. 

The optics here are very bad for Zelensky, for Biden, and for the Harris-Walz campaign. Yet it’s also evident that none of them give a damn. 

As for all those who’ve been shrieking about foreign election interference helping President Trump, you can take all the damn seats and STFU. 

The blatant hypocrisy is just breathtaking. 

This is indeed a dangerously reckless move by Zelensky. Especially when OUR tax dollars are paying for this. Not only that, but it was a very stupid move on his part. He literally picked one candidate over the other, and essentially threatened Trump/Vance by stating that any plan they offer put America into a global conflict. WOW. That’s a helluva stretch. 

Honestly, what I think some of this is Zelensky knows that the gravy train will halt if President Trump prevails in November. So he decided to choose a side. I truly hope he regrets this move in November.

 Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    It’s not wrong, illegal, criminal when the left does it.. stand by for our “esteemed” reader to show up and defend explain why this is actually a good thing, and we’re all racist, something, something, for having a problem with it..

    Progressivism truly is a mental disorder / religion… (yes, it can be both)

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