Jamaal Bowman Is A Big Loser

Jamaal Bowman Is A Big Loser

Jamaal Bowman Is A Big Loser

In the bid for New York House, Jamaal Bowman was bound and determined this past weekend to “show New York who the f-ck he is” and boy howdy, did he!

Call us a bit gleeful that Jamaal Bowman lost, according to this.

It’s not that George Latimer is much better. He’s still a Democrat. But, he did beat out the guy who pulled the fire alarm with roughly 23,850 votes to Jamaal’s 19,754.

And this is where the blame game will start. I’m sure he and his fellow Squad members will blame his loss on some for of systemic racism. It’s all the fault of the Jews in New York, we are sure. Why, oh, why, did Bowman lose? Here are some of the musings for you from The Atlantic:

Indeed, the race was the most expensive House primary in history largely because a pro-Israel group inundated the district with TV ads attacking Bowman….”-Russel Berman, The Atlantic

AHEM-AIPAC?! You there? See? It was the Jews. After all, the rabbis saw through Bowman’s shameless requests for photo ops to save face. But “that’s not the whole story”, they say. The Atlantic has more:

When Bowman first ran, in 2020, his majority-minority district was more progressive than it is now—and more progressive than AOC’s. Shortly after he won, the decennial reapportionment process extended the northern boundary to include more of New York City’s wealthier suburbs. Bowman’s district now features just a sliver of the Bronx. ‘His district is not woke. It is Democratic.'”-Russel Berman, The Atlantic

They’re Democrats, not straight-up socialists, although lately, the lines have been quite blurry. Rich Democrats do want to keep their money, though. They’re only “woke” out of convenience and virtue. Sure, those Westchester County Dems would hang a pride flag and “stand with Palestine” but when protestors start rioting in and trashing their streets and neighborhoods and things get violent, they draw the line. Bowman certainly DID show them “who the f-ck he was”, and they did not approve.

But wait, there’s more. Could Jamaal Bowman have lost because of this?

Bowman, a charismatic and unapologetic leftist with a penchant for controversy, would have had a tough reelection fight even if AIPAC hadn’t emerged to add so much rocket fuel to Latimer’s campaign. He faced a House censure for pulling a false fire alarm when Democrats were trying to stall a vote. Blog posts he wrote more than a decade ago appeared to give credence to 9/11 conspiracy theories, and his YouTube page following conspiracy accounts became news. He was forced to apologize after lavishing praise on Norman Finkelstein, the acerbic anti-Israel scholar, at a panel discussion. And he initially claimed reports of Hamas raping Israeli women on October 7 were ‘propaganda.'”-New York Magazine, Intelligencer

Charismatic? Imagine. This guy as your kids’ middle-school principal. Imagine this school administrator calling the rape or sexual harassment of a young Jewish student by a Muslim student “propaganda”? The guy is not fit for an educational setting and certainly is unfit for office. (Note, video NSFW):

Progressives, meanwhile, have been dealt a grievous blow. Bowman was a rising star and someone who could have, with enough time in the House, run for higher office. When he first ran against Engel, he was able to forge coalitions between working-class voters of color and college-educated activists. The Squad, without him, is still large enough and may grow in the coming years — even if Cori Bush, another prominent member, also loses this summer.”-Ross, Barkan, New York Magazine

Dear God. Can we dare to hope? Let’s pray to the heavens for more grievous blows.

Um, and speaking of blows…?

It wasn’t all soul-crushing news for progressives last night. Unfortunately, we still have AOC, who, despite her unhinged rant this past weekend and her general everyday stupidity, won her primary last night.

Perhaps Mr. Bowman should have focused his campaign around SOLUTIONS for his small sliver of The Bronx instead of “showing AIPAC who the f-uch he was”. Still, one less member of The Squad is, indeed, one less member of The Squad and could be considered a win. A note to Jamaal Bowman: The Squad hates men, bruh.

The general consensus from our bobbleheads in the media and the progressive sad sacks of the land is that Jamaal Bowman lost “because of the rich”.

…And don’t forget to read between the lines…Israel and the Jews.

Featured image: Representative Jamaal Bowman, official Congressional portrait from 2021, cropped, public domain

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