UW: Encampment Protests Not “Diverse” Enough

UW: Encampment Protests Not “Diverse” Enough

UW: Encampment Protests Not “Diverse” Enough

The University of Washington (UW) has become a parody unto itself. As a Washington resident, I watch from the suburbs while Seattle implodes.

Is it tragic and sad? Yes. This once beautiful city has turned into a smoldering site for sore eyes. Seattle boasts the most prestigious university in the state. UW is the desired establishment of higher education amongst young people in Washington and across the country. I remember visiting UW last year with my soon-to-be-graduating son. He set one foot on that campus and uttered a resounding, “NOPE”.

I would have honored his decision to attend UW if he chose to apply and got accepted. I would have ignored the tent encampments around the beautiful campus of Hogwarts-like buildings, the crazy people strolling through campus high on whatever their chosen poison was, and prayed daily he would not have taken a liking to a girl like our clueless little tour guide from Bellevue (bless her hearttttt-more on her later). He has chosen and been accepted to another university for his higher ed, Thank God.

As I circle and approach over Mt. Rainier and the Cascades to make my final landing in Seattle, I will note that I knew several young women of minority backgrounds with 4.0 averages who did NOT get accepted to UW this season. I also know one white girl whose parents are both former Huskies, also a 4.0 kid, who did not get into the “prestigious” pile of pretentiousness that is UW Seattle. Who do I know who got in?

White, young men.

Which is why, as I touch down on Runway 16-Right and make our final landing in the Jet City that this story right here is downright hysterical. Throughout this Spring Fling of pro-Palestine protests and campus tent encampments (because, apparently Seattle does not have enough of these), UW has decided to postpone its pro-Palestine tent encampment extravaganza-Gaza. Why?

Hard landing here…breaks please. You may hear some screeching.

The involvement of students at UW desiring to pop a squat and their pup tent on campus was “too white“.

Why yes. Yes they are.

We want to be part of a much larger coalition of groups and make no mistake, WE WILL HAVE A UW ENCAMPMENT! We want to make sure everyone’s voice is included and this action is as safe, secure, and strong as possible.”-UW Progressive Student Union (UWPSU)

They just need more Muslims, More Palestinians, more DIVERSITY. More students of color. Yo…little dumbasses? They don’t want to hang out with you. They’re perfectly content being in their segregation affinity dorms brought to you by woke whites at U-Dub.

But, still, some are chiding the UW Progressive Student Union for not being “Progressive” enough. They took to their Instagram page to vent their rage:

(UWPSU has) zero community support in this bc of your inability to center Palestinians and Arabs and this is so poorly planned,” said a they/them student who is a member of the “Honors College” at UW.

Bummer, dude, girl, whatever you are. Can’t spend the weekend outside in the Seattle rain with your KN95 being a white savior and lamenting how Hamas-who-would-throw-you-off-a-building is so awesome. Perhaps this affords they/them more time to think long and hard about how he/she would be treated should they pitch a tent in Palestine. Let’s see how that works out.

This cancellation could be a headline straight from the Babylon Bee, yet it’s classic Seattle through and through.

White progressive activists often pride themselves on championing marginalized communities, even though it’s always in a patronizing tone. There’s a peculiar and unsettling irony in how the organizers and the allegedly offended community members are more concerned about who gets credit for vilifying Jews and Israel, all while echoing Hamas’ rhetoric. It’s equally troubling that the University of Washington’s administration chose not to intervene, presumably to avoid upsetting the white progressive extremists who they believed were advocating on behalf of a so-called marginalized community.”-Jason Rantz

The UWPSU’s motto is, “Dare to Struggle! Dare to Win!” Uh-huh. So cute for a bunch of self-important white kids from Bellevue.

The irony of all of this is that these kids really think they are winning. This brings me back to the tour of UW we had on that fateful day where my son said, “no way”. There she was-a cute, little perky red-headed white girl from across Lake Washington, who said the right things, who recited the UW script verbatim and embodied the ethos of the so-called “Berkeley of The Northwest”. She acknowledged her privilege of being on stolen land while discussing her accommodations put in place for her so-called “test anxiety”. She pointed out the “Intellectual House” but could not pronounce it in its Lushootseed translation (wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ). She talked about how sooooo many buildings were named after old, white men and was excited to point out the building named after a white woman who gave birth to a white, womanizing prick of a man.

I felt such a darkness there on that campus, a sinister pull that day. This pull got very strong when we hit the four columns signifying LIFE-Loyalty, Industry, Faith and Efficiency. Four columns “named by white men and, by the way, we may need to change some of these names because there’s one I don’t like, really”, she said. I knew which one she wanted to do away with by process of elimination.


What these clowns do not realize is that the UW four pillars without Faith is a big, fat LIE.

We should not be surprised. They’ve been LIED to for most of their academic careers. They have been lied to by their parents, their teachers, their professors and their peers. They have been lied to by politicians and celebrities and social media. They have been sold lies and they believe them. And this…THIS is why they are turning inside out on themselves.

Dare to win, they say. Hey, kiddies? Dare to OPEN YOUR EYES to the ridiculousness you embody and have become at UW and elsewhere.

The 2024 Summer of Love has begun.

Be Boundless (SNORT). Dubs-Up.

Photo Credit: University of Washington, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Dietrich says:

    Being red myself (and older than dirt) and having two red sibs, a cute little redhead girl (assuming a lot here) always catches my adoring glance. Then they talk and…

  • Cameron says:

    I’m surprised your son lasted long enough in that tour. The instant the girl started going on about “stolen land” that would have been a green light for me to mock her and her kind.

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