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[Full disclosure: InteliScope LLC is owned and operated by my husband and located near our home in Northern Idaho.]
After weighing its options for several days following the breach of Ukraine’s borders by an emboldened Vladimir Putin, InteliScope LLC’s owner, Jason Giddings, in a press release today, has made the difficult but courageous decision to cease commerce with Russia until Vladamir Putin extracts his troops illegally occupying the Crimea region. The company’s motivation for ceasing commercial transactions are threefold:
While our weak-kneed, clueless leadership, along with a certain former Secretary of State, continues fumbling around, reactively, for an ever-elusive answer to a crisis their impotent foreign policy helped create, leaving a power vacuum that Putin is happily trying to fill, Inteliscope is proactively doing the only thing it can: Taking the Bear by his fiscal paws in an effort to help persuade him to remove himself from Ukraine, while hoping to motivate others to do the same. Please share this post, and InteliScope’s press release below, and encourage businesses that deal with Russia to consider joining the suspension of commercial trade, and help convince Vladimir Putin that it is in the best interest of Russia to remove his jaws from the neck of a sovereign Ukraine.
Please click on image to enlarge.
I am glad to see your husband is walking the walk and actually giving a damn about misuse of his products. We need more of this – people with principals! Please pass along my congrats.
Merle, I absolutely will! Thank you for the kind comment. He’s getting some “this is a PR stunt” push back, which this absolutely is not. He struggled for days to make the decision. It was really the only choice he could make, and still keep his moral compass pointed in the right direction. 😉
You are guaranteed to get that response, Jodi. Unless you’re going to play the game their way and release all your company financials proving that you’re hurting your bottom line with this, it’s so easy to say “it’s just a stunt.” The only way we know it isn’t is because we have grown to trust you and the other ladies here at VictoryGirls. But, kudos to you and yours for this decision.
Agreed, GWB. But he’s a big boy. He knew that would happen. It comes with having unwavering principles and not bending them for the almighty dollar.
Thanks for the kind words. 🙂