Lois Lerner Gives Her Non-Testimony…. Again…

Lois Lerner Gives Her Non-Testimony…. Again…

She is pretty familiar with the underside of the bus at this point, and since the “my life is in danger” ploy didn’t work very well, my guess is the 5th Amendment privilege she exercised in her testimony today is all she has left.

At a short but contentious congressional hearing on Wednesday, former IRS official Lois Lerner repeatedly invoked her 5th Amendment right not to testify about the IRS targeting of tea party groups. This was the second time Lerner has declined to answer questions put to her by the House oversight committee.

Many of you will remember she did this not long ago when this all started, but she did it after giving some long introduction/statement to Darrell Issa and the House Oversight Committee.  Whereupon he pointed out that you don’t get to come in and say “I’m an innocent little lamb and I didn’t do anything.” and take the 5th, thereby preventing any sort of examination or cross examination of any kind.  The Committee ruled on June 21st of last year that Lerner waived her right to invoke the 5th Amendment during a hearing in may when she insisted in her opening statement that she was innocent.  She is now staring down the barrel of a contempt of Congress citation (which comes with being arrested)  Her non-testimony today further cements in the minds of those that have them and actually use them just exactly what was going on.  And to go along with this entire scandal there is this.

Elijah Cummings acting like an ass after the adjournment was just icing on the cake.  What did he think they were going to do with a witness that invoked their 5th Amendment privilege?  Swap tips on cake baking?  Talk at length about how the Designated Hitter position has ruined baseball?  Compare whether wedges or sandals are the most flattering for summer dresses?  Elijah, you may not know this, but once the witness takes the 5th, they can’t answer anything you ask them under oath, because to do so opens them up to cross examination.

I do still hope from this that we get some satisfaction from seeing this lady frog marched to jail.  We all know that if this was happening and Mitt Romney was President, it would be wall to wall, non-stop coverage of this on every channel on TV.  National Geographic would be running documentaries on it and the Cartoon Network would work it into at least 3 episodes of Sponge-bob Square-pants.  My hunch is that I have a better chance of waking up looking like Scarlett Johannsen tomorrow than I do of ever seeing Lois experimenting with Orange being the New Black.  I would almost bet a new pair of Jimmy Choos that she is going to get something from this because of the backbone the Darrell Issa has in regards to this crime, but with this current administration using it’s handmaidens from the press to try to blame Bush for causing all Obumbler’s problems and hoping everyday that they continue to cover his ass on everything from this scandal to Benghazi to Fast and Furious; I would get to watch some other girl walking around in my shoes.

Lois Lerner is a criminal, and if the feckless DOJ and the ass-kissing press would do their job, she would be making license plates right now.

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