Politico Spins For Kamala

Politico Spins For Kamala

Politico Spins For Kamala

In an effort to fix Kamala’s image, Politico went into some serious spins. You see, it’s the DC insiders who have the wrong perception of her. THAT’S why her polling is so bad. Yes, really. 

There are three dynamics that Harris’ allies think could finally shift the prevailing C.W. about her:

1. Harris feels more confident in her role after two-plus years on the job.

White House chief of staff JEFF ZIENTS, who has lunch with Harris once a week: “It’s always been true that there’s a delta between how people in D.C. view her, versus when she’s out doing her thing in the country with the American people. I think D.C. is starting to catch up. … I would argue she’s been great throughout, but as she’s really mastered the demands of the job and been through so much already, that experience enables her to perform at an even higher level.”

2. A portfolio of issues that plays to her strengths, like abortion rights and civil rights, where she is uniquely positioned to speak personally in a way that resonates with the voters most affected.

“The very issues that we see the election hinging on are the exact issues that she is leading on,” a Biden campaign aide tells POLITICO. “The issues where she’s out in front happen to be the ones that people care about the most and that motivate our base.”

She’s been great throughout her tenure? I’d like to know what Jeff Zients is smoking! As we’ve documented  here on multiple occasions, Kamala is more comfortable and confident in dropping nonsensical word salads instead of anything of substance in her speeches! 

Yet Politico has decided a mad spin to recalibrate Kamala’s image is necessary. 

People who have known Harris since her California days have long complained about how the vice president wasn’t assigned an early policy portfolio that aligned with her skillset or expertise.

“I understand that you’re in the White House and that it’s not just Kamala Harris, it is an administration,” said Paul Henderson, who worked for Harris in San Francisco when she served as district attorney. “[We were wondering] ‘Where’s ‘The Advocate’ Kamala? Where is the ‘Adversary to Foolishness’ Kamala? Where is the ‘Off script, no, no, I know this,’ Kamala?’”

Except that Kamala is ALWAYS off the script! This interview took place while Kamala was in Chicago at the  Gun Sense University summit. If she was totally on point, then how come Lisa was able to point out how utterly unprepared she was!? 

Oh, never mind that. It’s that the toxic elements in DC just don’t appreciate her wisdom and abilities! She was brilliant as an attorney and even more brilliant as a Senator they claim. Uh huh, remember her brilliance during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings? We do. 

Yet now, Politico is here to inform us that Kamala is truly ready for the big game. Is she? Is she REALLY? 

As the NASA Czar, what has she done? Nothing.

As the Border Czar, what has she done? Stayed far far away from the border and traveled to Mexico instead.

She adopted a French accent while in Paris. 

She’s gotten everything wrong about the changes in Florida’s school curriculum.

Kamala can’t even differentiate between North and South Korea, but at least she visited THAT border!

For an attorney who should know and understand the Constitution and states rights, she gets the Dodds ruling on abortion completely wrong. 

Don’t get us started on the Inflation Reduction Act … 


The list is infinite when it comes to Kamala’s ineptness, cackle, and word salads! Yet Politico is attempting to spin Kamala into relevance. 

Well, if Politico’s spin doesn’t work, someone else had the Good Idea Fairy visit him. 

Los Angeles Times columnist George Skelton endorsed the idea that Vice President Kamala Harris replace Democratic California Sen. Dianne Feinstein in the Senate, because she’s been a “drag” on President Biden’s re-election campaign, he wrote.

“President Biden has a problem. So does Vice President Kamala Harris. Sen. Dianne Feinstein is a problem. There’s a solution for all of this,” he began. “Biden’s problem is Harris. She’s a burden — a drag on his reelection prospects.”

“Feinstein could resign from the Senate and Gov. Gavin Newsom could appoint Harris to replace her. Biden then could find a more popular running mate, one more acceptable to voters as a potential successor,” he continued.

Oh, so send her BACK to the Senate instead of promoting upwards to President? Now THAT’S an idea! 

Politico and others can spin all they want, but the response and numbers don’t lie. Kamala Harris is a poster child for failing upward, and no amount of lipstick spin can hide that fact. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • Cameron says:

    “Trickle down economics” is a phrase that was made up by journalists. It was never said by any politician except as an insult. And like Obama, Kamala is an example of why affirmative action is a bad thing.

  • Dietrich says:

    California DESERVES Kamalamala back in the Senate, but she is no doubt too dumb to recognize it for what it would be: a seat for life.

  • SFC D says:

    “People who have known Harris since her California days have long complained about how the vice president wasn’t assigned an early policy portfolio that aligned with her skillset or expertise.”

    Kamala has a skillset? Who knew?

  • Lloyd says:

    Beware !! The cackler may yet be elevated to President. Foggy Joe could be pulled off the stage before his reign ends and Willie’s girl could “make history!” Think about it……

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