John Kelly Plays Brutus To Donald Trump’s Caesar

John Kelly Plays Brutus To Donald Trump’s Caesar

John Kelly Plays Brutus To Donald Trump’s Caesar

Going back through posts I wrote five years ago, brother, was I a babe in the woods. I actually wrote a post extolling the virtues of General John Kelly, who had served as President Trump’s Secretary of the Department of Homeland Defense and Chief of Staff. After the last few years of Generals like Milley and Austin, I am no longer doe-eyed with awe for General Officers. Nearly five years ago, I wrote this about General Kelly:

For the better part of fifty years, John F. Kelly has served the United States of America. First, he served as an enlisted Marine. After college, he commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Marines, moving up through the ranks to the position of four star General Officer. In addition to sending troops into battle and the inevitable loss of some, his son Robert was killed in action in 2010, making him a Gold Star Father. He has since served the Trump Administration as Secretary of Homeland Defense and White House Chief of Staff. His faithful service to Our Country does not need to be defended, by anyone. Tell that to the Los Angeles Times and The Hill.

Bah! I am the sadder but wiser girl now. In my defense, Shakespeare couldn’t make this stuff up. The former President’s former Chief of Staff is playing Brutus to the former President’s Caesar in a lawsuit where two married former lovers or former married former lovers (whatever) are suing the President they went after for talking about going after them. John Kelly says ASKED ABOUT having the IRS investigate the FBI officials. Oh well, stab him in the back for asking. Et tu, Brute?

Gawd, these people. This is the title of the New York Times article last night: “Trump Asked About Having the I.R.S. Investigate F.B.I. Officials, Former Top Aide Says”. Well, they have to write something to get the Biden Cocaine story out of the news. Get a load of these first three paragraphs:

John F. Kelly, who served as former President Donald J. Trump’s second White House chief of staff, said in a sworn statement that Mr. Trump had discussed having the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies investigate two F.B.I. officials involved in the investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia.
Mr. Kelly said that his recollection of Mr. Trump’s comments to him was based on notes that he had taken at the time in 2018. Mr. Kelly provided copies of his notes to lawyers for one of the F.B.I. officials, who made the sworn statement public in a court filing.
“President Trump questioned whether investigations by the Internal Revenue Service or other federal agencies should be undertaken into Mr. Strzok and/or Ms. Page,” Mr. Kelly said in the statement. “I do not know of President Trump ordering such an investigation. It appeared, however, that he wanted to see Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page investigated.”

Talk about a nothing burger. If two people in an organization were engaged in hanky-panky with each other, outside of their marriages, and they had been trying to take me down, I would want a little payback. The key point here is “I do not know of President Trump ordering such an investigation.” And, how did Kelly obtain this information:

Word! Now, just in case you have forgotten about this cheating couple, Peter Strzok reassured Lisa Page that Trump would never become President and classified us Walmart shoppers as “smelly”. Plus, Peter Strzok was an arrogant prig:

Insane, loquacious, arrogant prig, that is. I am gobsmacked that Page and Strzok are suing Trump. That’s some crust. I thought people who cheating on their spouses, shat where they ate, and plotted to take down a Presidential candidate, did not show up in public after they were caught. Once you walked on the cheating side of town, you were shunned by polite society. Well, Washington, D.C. is a swamp. And, according to the Times article, these people are without shame:

Mr. Kelly’s assertions were disclosed on Thursday in a statement that was filed in connection with lawsuits brought by Peter Strzok, who was the lead agent in the F.B.I.’s Russia investigation, and Lisa Page, a former lawyer in the bureau, against the Justice Department for violating their privacy rights when the Trump administration made public text messages between them.

There is no evidence that Donald Trump had the I.R.S. investigate anyone. That’s what Democrat Administrations do. John Kelly is just the latest in a long line of General Officers who stabbed their President and the U.S. Citizens in the back.

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  • Leaving aside the immoral things they were up to, compared to the ILLEGAL things they were doing, hiding income from taxes would be a mere footnote.

  • kamas716 says:

    Wait….IIRC their so-called private conversations were on government issued cell phones. Please correct me if I’m wrong. If so, there is no right to privacy.

    • Toni Williams says:

      Donald Trump was known not to use a cell phone before the Presidency. The landlines are more secure and even the President is entitled to a modicum of privacy on the phone. Now, if he is talking to a world leader, there would be quite a few people on the phone. But, Kelly did not have the right to randomly listen in.

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