Trump Indictment Is Nothing To Cheer About

Trump Indictment Is Nothing To Cheer About

Trump Indictment Is Nothing To Cheer About

Well, District Attorney Bragg and the Democrats have gotten what they wanted. President Trump was indicted this afternoon.

The indictment of former President Trump by a Manhattan grand jury rocked Capitol Hill on Thursday, with Democrats hailing the decision and Republicans blasting what they described as a political witch hunt.

“The indictment of a former president is unprecedented. But so too is the unlawful conduct in which Trump has been engaged,” tweeted Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who served as lead impeachment manager during Trump’s first impeachment trial. “A nation of laws must hold the rich and powerful accountable, even when they hold high office. Especially when they do. To do otherwise is not democracy.”

You just know that Adam Schiff is beside himself with glee on this. Even though it wasn’t the RUSSIA RUSSIA! indictment he’s been longing for, an indictment means guilt in Schiff’s mind. Of course, the rest of the Democrat media complex will be pouncing and seizing on this in perpetuity. 

The federal government declined to indict Trump over this same damned case. Yet the Democrats persisted and somehow Bragg convinced a very reluctant grand jury to issue an indictment. Keep in mind, this indictment wasn’t going to happen. The grand jury had decided to take a vacation. But now, suddenly there’s an indictment? What’s different about this?? Oh, isn’t that interesting?

In addition to the “hush money” payment Trump allegedly made to cover his affair with Daniels, the grand jury also asked about a separate $150,000 “catch and kill” payment Trump made to a former Playboy model — suggesting that the former president could be charged in connection to both payments, sources confirmed to The Post.

Prosecutors have asked grand jury witnesses about the $150,000 “catch-and-kill” payment made to former Playboy model Karen McDougal in 2016 to keep her quiet about her claims she had a 10-month affair with the former president in 2006.

Cohen was questioned about McDougal when he testified before the grand jury, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.

Well, since the DA couldn’t make the case on the original merits, it really looks like he went on a major fishing exhibition to try and make the charges stick. The indictment is sealed so we don’t really know WHAT the key item was that caused the grand jury to vote the way they did. 

But again the Democrat media complex is beside themselves with glee. They want nothing more than Trump in handcuffs and discredited. They also fail to understand that nearly seven years of animosity towards Trump and anyone who supported or supports him has turned many against them. 

Meanwhile, there are many already pushing for Governor DeSantis to have Trump extradited to New York forthwith. He’s not playing their damned game.

Furthermore, there are some significant legal and I dare say, Constitutional issues here. 

You can like or dislike Trump all you want. But this, THIS is law fare at its worst. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. Because it can. It has in regards to the Tea Party, the January 6 defendants and many more. There is nothing to cheer about here. Nothing at all. 

Feature Photo Credit: Trump at the border Jan 12, 2021 via Whitehouse archived photos Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • JAW3 says:

    Joe Tacopina is an awesome attorney IMO, and my bet is that this case never gets to trial.

  • Bruce says:

    The entire rock-show is carefully premeditated and instituted provocation, designed to produce a backlash, complete with pre-positioned and pre-programmed “useful idiots. It will then be put down to great media fanfare, in an ultra-violent manner, pour encourager les autres.

    Alinsky smiles.

  • Carol Marks says:

    Sadly I know some Republicans who are probably overjoyed by this news too.

  • Cameron says:

    They will never forgive him for beating Hillary.

  • Liz says:

    Thought “sex didn’t matter”to Democrats?
    So confused.
    Stormy Daniels is doing a victory dance on Twitter with all the merc she is selling.
    Guessing the buyers have never played a game of “bad touch”.
    Someone should remind them they are now only one degree of separation from Trump’s penis.

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