Biden Dithers While Inflation Hits New 40 Year High

Biden Dithers While Inflation Hits New 40 Year High

Biden Dithers While Inflation Hits New 40 Year High

Inflation is at an all new 40 year high as of the end of May. That’s a record not worth celebrating. What is the Biden Administration doing? Dithering and blaming everyone but themselves.

Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo admitted Tuesday that the Biden administration is running out of options as it scrambles to bring down gas prices that have surged to record highs across the nation in recent weeks.

“Unfortunately, that is the brutal reality,” Raimondo told CNN.

The stark admission echoed similar remarks from President Biden, who has faced mounting pressure to respond to the gas crisis.

Raimondo echoed Biden’s frequent assertion that Russian President Vladimir Putin and his brutal invasion of Ukraine are most responsible for the spike in gas prices. Biden has referred to the increase as “Putin’s price hike.”

“This is, in large part, caused by Putin’s aggression,” Raimondo said. “Since Putin moved troops to the border of Ukraine, gas prices have gone up over $1.40 a gallon. The president is asking for Congress and others for potential ideas. But as you say, the reality is that there isn’t very much more to be done.”

And…that’s a complete load of horseshit right there. There is a LOT that can be done to use the pain of inflation. But the progressive leftist jerks in the Biden Administration would rather blather on about Green New Deal crap, send billions to Ukraine, and blame Putin instead of facing facts here. 

Every single item on our grocery bill has gone up anywhere from 5-30%. Want a flatiron steak? In 2020 and 2021, you could get it here in Northern Colorado on sale for $6.99lb (reg price $8.99lb). NOW the regular price for a flatiron steak is $11.99lb. Fuel prices are through the roof, as are goods and services. Food trucks are a prime example.

For the businesses that make their money on the road, it’s eating into profits.

“Before the price increases, we paid about $10 to fill our generator, and about $60 to fill up the truck. Now it’s $110 for the truck and about $50 for the generator,” said Ryan Lopez, who owns El Jefe’s Smothered Brats and Tots with his wife.

Lopez reasoned if he booked fewer events but with higher customer volume, it’s more profitable. That way, he spends less money on one trip, compared to traveling to multiple, smaller events that would bring in less revenue per trip.
“It has, of course, cut into our extra money we have for the food truck, but it helps during this time because gas prices were eating up entire days’ worth of business,” he said.

When you add in rising food costs, no wonder folks running food truck businesses are scrambling. Furthermore, it is a fact, as I’ve experienced three times in the last month, that many gas stations are putting limits ($75 max) on how much fuel can be purchased. 

Will the Biden Administration reconsider granting drilling permits on more federal lands? I doubt it. They’d rather dither around and have politicians make asinine statements such as this:

How incredibly condescending and tone-deaf of Debbie. Guess what lady? It DOES matter to all of those who can’t afford to throw $55,000 at an electric vehicle. It DOES matter that our grids are warning of rolling blackouts because they’ve not shored them up. 

Inflation is at a new 40+ year high, and all the Administration can seemingly do is point to new green energy projects that a have a 60 year, if that, return on investment. 

The Biden Administration dithers and states that they have run out of options as to how to deal with inflation. I’m sure Americans whose budgets are getting throttled have LOTS of ideas!

This headline from Bloomberg is completely tone-deaf as well. 

There is no unexpectedly about this whatsoever. We all knew that inflation was coming. It’s been brewing since the lockdowns. It’s been brewing since every single jobs report starting in 2021 was a bust. And it continues. Americans are feeling the pain of inflation. My kids along with others across our family are budgeting hard because of the rise in costs. They see what is happening, and they are worried, as am I. 

Notice what ISN’T on there? January 6 hearings, Ukraine, Putin, or green energy. Inflation is at the top of the list. Yes, that’s just one poll, but its very indicative of the feeling that I get when I’m out running errands and having to decide what is a need vs a want at the grocery store. By the way, that same Rasmusson poll asked the legacy media what their concerns are. The list included abortion rights, January 6, LGBTQXYZ crap, Covid, and climate change. Shows how entirely out of touch the legacy media is doesn’t it?

Inflation is a very serious problem for this country. All all the Biden Administration can do is dither, and happily blame everyone else for what they built. 

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if Biden took that route. 

Welcome Instapundit Readers!

Feature Photo Credit: Burning money via Pixabay, cropped and modified

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