Muzzled Amy Coney Barrett Is A Judicial Torpedo

Muzzled Amy Coney Barrett Is A Judicial Torpedo

Muzzled Amy Coney Barrett Is A Judicial Torpedo

If the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett weren’t enough of a cluster foxtrot at a goat rodeo, the image of Judge Barrett sitting with her virtue signaling mask on made it worse. Amy was muzzled as Senators shouted, lectured and hectored her. And, while muzzled Amy sat there, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse called her a judicial torpedo. It was a jarring visual. Handmaid’s Tale, anyone?

It wasn’t just the mask on the face of ACB. It was the bright, but severe dress style, and her posture. I am sure she was using her posture to try to look serene. She looked meek and muzzled. The visual created was a prisoner on trial by a group of ancients in a totalitarian, dystopian society.

I wrote about ACB’s faith yesterday. You can read it here. The Dems have decided that they won’t question her faith, directly. No, that didn’t go so well the last time. Instead Senator Chris Coons brought up Griswold V. Connecticut. What is Griswold V. Connecticut, you ask? Here you go:

In Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), the Supreme Court ruled that a state’s ban on the use of contraceptives violated the right to marital privacy. The case concerned a Connecticut law that criminalized the encouragement or use of birth control.

Chris Coons intimated that ACB, if confirmed, would work to overturn the use of birth control in the United States. Egads and little fishes, what a reprehensible amoeba Coons is. He attacked her faith without specifically attacking her faith. Birth Control!

Amy Klobuchar was mad as a wet hen:

Amy Kobluchar called the President a liar and then had the unmitigated gall to repeat the lie about the President calling military personnel “suckers”. Go find a comb and eat chicken salad, Amy. Let me just say that it’s way past time for Charles Grassley to retire. Grassley (Bless his heart.) couldn’t even read the prepared script his aides wrote.

Kamala (Comma La) and Corey Booker told pity stories along with pictures. Many of the Dems complained about having to work, even remotely, during Covid-19. Chairman Lindsey Graham made very clear that the Architect of the Capitol worked to make sure the Chamber was CDC Covid-19 compliant. CNN filed this report on Comma La:

Sen. Kamala Harris said the Supreme Court confirmation hearing of Judge Amy Coney Barrett should have been postponed because of coronavirus concerns, saying the committee has not taken enough precautions to keep people safe.

“This hearing has brought together more than 50 people to sit inside of a closed door room for hours while our nation is facing a deadly airborne virus. This committee has ignored common sense requests to keep people safe – including not requiring testing for all members – despite a coronavirus outbreak among senators of this very committee,” Harris said during her opening statements, speaking remotely from her Senate office.
She said not postponing the confirmation hearing puts people at risk and pauses talks about additional coronavirus relief funding.

Comma La should have read the Chairman’s opening statement.

All of this is theater. All of this is for consumption in the Senators’ home states. But, the visual of a muzzled woman sitting silently in front of Senators is something all of these people should have thought about. We pay their salaries. We expect better, although we should know by now that a cluster foxtrot at a goat rodeo is what we are going to get.

Featured Image: Screenshot from Fox News Channel’s live coverage.

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