Beto Insists On Saying Quiet Part Very Loudly

Beto Insists On Saying Quiet Part Very Loudly

Beto Insists On Saying Quiet Part Very Loudly

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is determined to crash his presidential campaign like a car after a night of drinking. *cough*

Beto has staked what’s left of his vanity run on “hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15” and causing heartburn for the rest of the Democrats in the field, who are vainly trying to shush him up. You’re not supposed to say the quiet part out loud, Beto!

Cory Booker tried it, and now Pete Buttigieg is trying it.

Buttigieg said Sunday he agrees with those who say O’Rourke’s comment plays into the hands of Republicans. The South Bend, Indiana, mayor argued now is a “golden moment” to pass gun legislation, telling CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” that the majority of Americans support so-called red flag laws, banning high-capacity magazines and prohibiting the sale of assault weapons.”

“When even this President and even (Senate Majority Leader) Mitch McConnell are at least pretending to be open to reforms, we know that we have a moment on our hands,” Buttigieg said. “Let’s make the most of it and get these things done.”

Translation: Beto, SHUT UP, and we might actually get something passed this time! Just be cool, man!

Beto: Well, that’s like, your opinion, man. Also, f$@# you.

You know that Beto is making Democrats nervous about screwing this whole thing up when even CNN is publishing posts about how this isn’t exactly going to be… oh, constitutional or anything.

O’Rourke’s plan, however, not only would include a ban on all sales of so-called assault weapons but also would require owners to sell these guns to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, something the US government has never done before.”

Because of precedent set by the Supreme Court, the widespread use and popularity of these guns would almost certainly present legal trouble for O’Rourke’s proposal.”

Yikes. When you’ve even got CNN saying, “dude, STAHP,” it might be time to quit standing on the table in the coffee shop screaming “LEEEEEROYYYY JEEEENNKINS!”

However, because Beto is so convinced of his own righteousness and awesomeness – and because he enjoys selling T-shirts from his online campaign store – he’s not going to be quitting. He may be committing political suicide in Texas, but that won’t stop him.

We can only hope that in another few months, Beto will be out of this primary race, and will begin a long fade into obscurity. There isn’t a cabinet position that he is particularly suited for (sadly, there’s no “Secretary of Skateboarding”), and there is almost zero chance that he is tapped for the vice-presidency, especially if Biden, Sanders, or Warren is the nominee (look for someone with much better intersectionality cred than fake Hispanic Beto). His new love of government confiscation of guns means that he will become radioactive on a statewide scale in Texas. If we are lucky, Beto will fade into the sunset, muttering profanities to himself as he wonders how New Mexico dirt tastes when mixed with crow.

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Featured Image by crockodile and licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

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  • Scott says:

    “We can only hope that in another few months, Beto will be out of this primary race, and will begin a long fade into obscurity.”.. I disagree. I hope this jackass remains front and center with his anti-gun crap for as long as possible.. He needs to be the face of the democrat party, as he has ripped off the mask.. We can only hope that he does not go away, and allow them to put the mask back on…

  • John C. says:

    If I could get one of the shirts without contributing to his campaign, I would. I would take fabric paint and add:


  • GlobalTrvlr says:

    By the way, “Beto” is not a latino thing. I have lived in Mexico part time for many years, and have never run across a Roberto nicknamed Beto. And I asked a number of Mexicans, and none of them have ever heard of it. Then I read that his father – O’rourke- gave him that nickname cynically to build “cred” for his kid.

  • SDN says:

    “There isn’t a cabinet position that he is particularly suited for ”

    Someone’s got to run BATF.

  • GWB says:

    the majority of Americans support so-called red flag laws, banning high-capacity magazines and prohibiting the sale of assault weapons
    Which is why we have a Constitution, and are NOT a democracy.

    Because of precedent set by the Supreme Court
    Well, actually, no. The problem isn’t SCOTUS precedent, so much as it is the Constitution.
    (BTW, wouldn’t a mandatory buyback or any other confiscation plan be an ex post facto law, forbidden by the Constitution?)

    His new love of government confiscation of guns means that he will become radioactive on a statewide scale in Texas.
    Except for Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. And all the other places the blues have moved in and taken up voting. Maybe if Bob hangs around long enough, his idiocy can help build a political levee around those places.

  • Dave's Not Here says:

    I agree with Scott. I want Bete-o to stay in the race to the bitter end. He’s the only one stupid enough to tell us what his fellow Democrats really want.

  • Joe in PNG says:

    I see that photo, and can’t help but feel sorry for that poor Fender amp in the background.

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