Michael Moore must be really desperate for attention. Because he pulled this stunt outside of Trump Tower in New York on Wednesday. That is, until he was driven off the property by New York’s finest.
Went to Trump Tower & held a sign til the cops came. Then wrote Trump a letter. Here it is: https://t.co/aszRoizZuZ pic.twitter.com/qMy3ZuHOhy
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 17, 2015
Moore is really upset about Donald Trump’s proposal to clamp down on Muslim immigration. He wrote an open letter to Donald Trump and posted it at his website in a blogpost entitled “We Are All Muslim.” He wrote in part:
So, in desperation and insanity, you call for a ban on all Muslims entering this country. I was raised to believe that we are all each other’s brother and sister, regardless of race, creed or color. That means if you want to ban Muslims, you are first going to have to ban me. And everyone else.
We are all Muslim.
Just as we are all Mexican, we are all Catholic and Jewish and white and black and every shade in between. We are all children of God (or nature or whatever you believe in), part of the human family, and nothing you say or do can change that fact one iota. If you don’t like living by these American rules, then you need to go to the time-out room in any one of your Towers, sit there, and think about what you’ve said.
Jewish pundit Daniel Greenfield would beg to disagree:
Mexico is a country. To be Mexican, you have to be a citizen of Mexico. Seriously, stop by a Mexican consulate and tell them you’re Mexican. I would pay good money to see that.
Also if we’re all black, does that mean we can get rid of affirmative action? If we’re all Catholic, do we all have to go to Mass, and then to synagogue, since we’re also all Jewish? This is ridiculous gibberish from a washed up hack.
Nor am I a Muslim. Why? Because I believe in This Person as my Lord and Savior, something which Muslims reject.
My Christian faith also teaches me that Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, a concept Muslims reject as polytheism.
I have also been baptized. I partake in Holy Communion, which my church teaches is the True Body and True Blood of the aforementioned Jesus Christ. Muslims reject those as well.
In short I am not a Muslim. I do not follow the tenets of Islam. And no, we do not worship the ‘same God.’
Furthermore, I really love to consume quantities of this. At my house we call it “Meat Candy.”
And I love to enjoy a glass or two of this.
Both of the above are considered haraam — forbidden — according to Muslim dietary laws.
But perhaps Michael Moore ought to consider converting to Islam. With the restrictions on pork and alcohol, he might actually lose some of the pounds he packs. Unfortunately it would not include the bilge he packs within his cranium.
I was raised to believe that we are all each other’s brother and sister, regardless of race, creed or color.
Interesting choice of words coming from a man who made piles of money promoting hate and lies in Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 911.
If Moore really wants to get behind his “we are all muslim” schtick then he needs to make good on his pledge to open his home (how about ALL his homes) to Muslims… let them move on in b/c according to Moore they’ll be family! Right?
[…] week, Moore posted himself outside of Trump tower in a form of protest with a large We are all Muslims 1 […]