Texas Longhorns Embrace The Hate

Texas Longhorns Embrace The Hate

Texas Longhorns embrace the hate from everyone. This is the last football season that the Longhorns will be in the Big 12. They will go into the…

Maureen Dowd Shows Us How Smug She Really Is

Maureen Dowd Shows Us How Smug She Really Is

We know the New York Times’ Maureen Dowd can’t quit Trump. We also know the “journalists” in the bag for Biden are quite the mob so, in…

LA Crime Epidemic: You Get What You Voted For

LA Crime Epidemic: You Get What You Voted For

Soft on crime policies as well as DA’s who hate prosecuting criminals are a key reason for the LA crime epidemic. California voters are reaping what they’ve…

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Oliver Anthony Is Annoyed

Oliver Anthony Is Annoyed

Oliver Anthony has something to say to you again. Bless his heart, the newly crowned protest songwriter who has spun up the music charts with his song…

Leftwing Rag, The Nation, Claims “The Right” Murders Homeless People

Leftwing Rag, The Nation, Claims “The Right” Murders Homeless People

You know it’s campaign season when the Left starts trotting out their special victim groups in order cast the partisan opposition as comic book villains and themselves…

Salon Wonders: What The Hell Country Is This?

Salon Wonders: What The Hell Country Is This?

Salon writers salivated when Donald Trump’s mugshot was dropped. Liberals celebrated the photo. Some liberals, like Heather Digby Parton of Salon mused, “what the hell country is…

Biden Administration Riding Covid Merry-Go-Round Yet Again

Biden Administration Riding Covid Merry-Go-Round Yet Again

It reads like the plot of a bad novel or an even worse Hollywood disaster movie. Covid-19 (you can choose your variety du jour) is once again…

Joy Reid Loses Her Excreta* On Live TV Over Trump Mugshot

Joy Reid Loses Her Excreta* On Live TV Over Trump Mugshot

Last night, on MSNBC Joy Reid lost her ever-loving shite on live TV while discussing the Trump Mugshot. For a lady not known for having her shite…

Putin Sad *cough* After Prigozhin Death. What’s Next?

Putin Sad *cough* After Prigozhin Death. What’s Next?

Whenever the enemy of a despot dies, especially under strange and unusual circumstances, the despot will express his sadness at the dearly departed’s passing. So Vladimir Putin…

FEMA Still Focused On DEI Training While Maui Mourns

FEMA Still Focused On DEI Training While Maui Mourns

Never have Ronald Reagan’s words rung more true than when it comes to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): “The nine most terrifying words in the English…

Trump Mugshot And The Fulton County Circus

Trump Mugshot And The Fulton County Circus

Well, it’s official. We have a Presidential mugshot and a gleeful district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia just salivating over her gotcha moment. Likewise the media and…

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” ~~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

DOJ To SpaceX: Hire Illegal Immigrants Or Else

DOJ To SpaceX: Hire Illegal Immigrants Or Else

Yes, you read that correctly. The DOJ dropped a lawsuit against SpaceX and Elon Musk yesterday. You see, he won’t hire illegal immigrants to work at his…

Waiting On Trump’s Mugshot

Waiting On Trump’s Mugshot

As we sit here waiting on Trump’s Mugshot, I have to admit that I am tired of living through the anti-Constitutional “historic” moments. I would like to…

Democrats Doth Protest Too Much Over Abortion Limits

Democrats Doth Protest Too Much Over Abortion Limits

Despite the trolling and dismissal of last night’s GOP primary debate by Team Trump as a “vice presidential debate” and by Democrats as not being that important,…

School Punishes Student for Flying the Flag

School Punishes Student for Flying the Flag

It shouldn’t come as a surprise. For more than a decade, school districts have provided plenty of examples of knee-jerk reactions to students and teachers displaying flags…

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Ava Gardner