No One Loves Mitch McConnell

No One Loves Mitch McConnell

It’s the freeze seen round the world. For the second time in five weeks, Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell froze while taking questions. Not froze like he lost his train of thought. Froze like totally shut down. With no clear explanation the day after, we can only conclude that no one in his circle of trust loves Mitch McConnell.

The Approaching Death of Women’s Sports

The Approaching Death of Women’s Sports

What Title IX did for girls in the 1970s was give them hope. Hope to finally get to do the activities denied to them either through neglect…

Secretary Cardona Is Dared To Read “Banned” Books On Camera

Secretary Cardona Is Dared To Read “Banned” Books On Camera

Under Biden administration Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona, it isn’t about the kids actually learning and attempting to recover what was lost during lockdowns. It’s about the…

Trump Was Too Busy Saving the World to Take Care of Business

Trump Was Too Busy Saving the World to Take Care of Business

Donald Trump, according to records from his April deposition in a New York civil fraud case, was too busy avoiding nuclear holocaust to run his businesses.

Gold Star Families Raw Testimony On Biden’s Callous Indifference

Gold Star Families Raw Testimony On Biden’s Callous Indifference

For two years, we have all known the days of the botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, the suicide bomber at Abbey Gate that killed 13 heroes and wounded many,…

Taxpayer $$$ For Trans Liberation And Child Capture

Taxpayer $$$ For Trans Liberation And Child Capture

In a cultural panic on par with The Great Hunt witch hysteria of the 16th century, this past five to ten years has witnessed the capture of…

Don’t Tread On Me: School Claimed Gadsen Flag Was Hate Symbol

Don’t Tread On Me: School Claimed Gadsen Flag Was Hate Symbol

A young man entered a Colorado Springs charter school, with a backpack that had a variety of patches on it. Including the iconic Gadsen flag. His parents…

Parent Sues School District Over Trans Ideology And Wins

Parent Sues School District Over Trans Ideology And Wins

Just yesterday, a California school district was made to cough up $100,000 in damages to a parent who claimed her daughter was transitioned without her consent.

A Warrior Rises For The Children

A Warrior Rises For The Children

When the world needs a warrior, one will show up just at the right time. The sick transgender ideology is about to go down in flames. The…

Oliver Anthony Doesn’t Need to Belong to a Political Tribe

Oliver Anthony Doesn’t Need to Belong to a Political Tribe

When Oliver Anthony exploded on the scene with his song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” it didn’t make much of an impact on me. I knew it…

Karine Jean-Pierre Trips Up When Press Asks Actual Questions

Karine Jean-Pierre Trips Up When Press Asks Actual Questions

Karine Jean-Pierre was hired because of her intersectional credibility, because that is all that matters to the Biden administration.

Speak Up Regarding “White Supremacy” Poison – Biden

Speak Up Regarding “White Supremacy” Poison – Biden

Speak Up! The current resident of the Oval Office charged all Americans to speak up for diversity and against White Supremacy last night at a White House…

Trial Date Set – Let’s Talk Election Interference

Trial Date Set – Let’s Talk Election Interference

The trial date is set for the day before Super Tuesday. Let’s talk about election interference. President Donald Trump’s trial on charges of conspiring to “overturn” the…

Bidenomics: A Successful Failure

Bidenomics: A Successful Failure

Joe Biden, actually his handlers, wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post touting his fabulous Bidenomics record.

Will Gavin Newsom Debate Ron DeSantis?

Will Gavin Newsom Debate Ron DeSantis?

Governor Gavin Newsom challenged Governor Ron DeSantis to a debate nearly a year ago. It took a minute and some Sean Hannity prodding until DeSantis finally agreed…

What Will It Take For The GOP To Start An Impeachment Inquiry?

What Will It Take For The GOP To Start An Impeachment Inquiry?

Two things can be true at once. One, there is a whole lot of circumstantial dirt on Joe Biden – and some of the evidence is a…

Vivek Ramaswamy Has Some ‘Splainin’ To Do

Vivek Ramaswamy Has Some ‘Splainin’ To Do

Vivek Ramaswamy wants you to think he’s the wünderkind of the Republican Party. He’s MAGA 2.0, a younger Donald Trump with a higher IQ (which, to be…

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Ava Gardner