UNC Professors: Teaching The Constitution Violates Our “Academic Freedom”

UNC Professors: Teaching The Constitution Violates Our “Academic Freedom”

Evidently a planned requirement to teach the Constitution is so triggering that 637 UNC (University of North Carolina) professors signed a letter in protest. Our “academic freedom” is at stake!

Hunter Biden Still Refusing Daughter

Hunter Biden Still Refusing Daughter

Boy, you thought not wanting to pay child support was bad enough, but Hunter Biden still refuses to recognize his daughter by not giving her his name.

Michelle Obama: The Tambourine She Carries

Michelle Obama: The Tambourine She Carries

As her fawning public lets out orgasmic “oohs” and “ahh”, Michelle Obama took the stage at a Bruce Springsteen concert just the other evening.

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round…

Can America Still Be Saved?

Can America Still Be Saved?

Can America still be saved? Is it too late? Is there no coming back? We watch children having healthy body parts hacked off by medically trained professionals….

Sleepy Joe And The Thirty-Hour Work Week

Sleepy Joe And The Thirty-Hour Work Week

So much responsibility lies ahead for Sleepy Joe Biden that the “president”‘s advisors are already concerned about his 2024 re-election campaign.

Alito: I Know Who Leaked the Dobbs Decision, But …

Alito: I Know Who Leaked the Dobbs Decision, But …

On Friday, the Wall Street Journal published an interview that James Taranto held with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. The piece was significant in that it showed…

Democrats Have More Than Five Reasons To Worry About Biden

Democrats Have More Than Five Reasons To Worry About Biden

The Hill occasionally will publish opinion pieces, or opinion pieces posing as hard news, that make a half-hearted attempt to balance out their coverage. In that vein,…

Randi Roasted For Gaslighting On School Lockdowns

Randi Roasted For Gaslighting On School Lockdowns

Randi Weingarten really tried to convince Congress and parents that SHE didn’t want school lockdowns to continue indefinitely.

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else’s.” ~~ Billy Wilder

Winning: DNC Dubs Their Loser Of A Candidate

Winning: DNC Dubs Their Loser Of A Candidate

Tell us, what is in a winning name? A lot, according to the Democrats who thumbed their nose down on Donald Trump’s new name for Joe Biden.

The GOP Is No More, If It Can’t Beat Old Joe

The GOP Is No More, If It Can’t Beat Old Joe

Miranda Devine is one of the few investigative journalists left in the United States. Fact. Therefore, I hesitate to criticize her in any way. However, here comes…

Media Openly Collaborating With Team Biden

Media Openly Collaborating With Team Biden

Now that his re-election campaign is officially underway, Joe Biden and his handlers are depending on the media to give them the same sweetheart coverage that they…

Electrifying Military Vehicles Endangers Our Soldiers

Electrifying Military Vehicles Endangers Our Soldiers

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is dead certain that electrifying the military fleet by 2030 is not only doable, it’s a grand idea. Except it isn’t. It puts…

Tucker Carlson Breaks His Silence

Tucker Carlson Breaks His Silence

Two days after Fox News gave Tucker Carlson the boot, he appeared in a video on Twitter. It was short, contained the usual Carlson rhetoric, but was…

School Union Boss Randi Weingarten Doesn’t Remember Much Of Anything

School Union Boss Randi Weingarten Doesn’t Remember Much Of Anything

Randi Weingarten, the American Federation of Teachers union boss was grilled today about the school unions response and well, she doesn’t seem to know or remember much…

Thomas Calls Out TERFS, Feminism and Misogyny

Thomas Calls Out TERFS, Feminism and Misogyny

Lia “Man Hands” Thomas continues to put himself out there to defend HIS position of taking a female title. In fact, women are “using the guise of…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner