In the past week, I have noticed a number of dismaying stories about States snatching children from their parents on the basis of nothing more than trumped up…
ESPN announcer Britt McHenry released a firestorm on The Interwebs after her foul-mouthed rant at a towing company clerk went viral. For her Mean Girl outburst McHenry…
For the last few days, the U.S. media has been all twitter-pated about the new candidates for President. Most especially Hillary and her Scooby Van Iowa tour,…
Phony Hillary is at it again. Not only were at least three of the individuals portrayed as “everyday Americans” in her campaign launch video actually partisans with…
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has ridden the prestige of his family name his entire life, decided some years ago to take up with anti-vaccination loons and…
A Boston jury has found former star of the New England Patriots, Aaron Hernandez, guilty on all charges, including First Degree Murder, with mitigating circumstances. Hernandez is…
On Tuesday morning, Mika Brzezinski, MSNBC’s resident Blonde Joke, extolled Hillary Clinton’s praises and erstwhile “experience” while labeling Senator Marco Rubio a “little boy.” It’s true that…
This evening, Florida Senator Marco Rubio publicly announced his candidacy for President of the United States. As Francisco Alvarez at FoxNews Latino notes, making the announcement from…
Marco Rubio, who enjoyed the support of the Tea Party in his successful run for Florida’s senatorial seat in 2010, has announced on a conference call to…
We aren’t even halfway through 2015, and already the field of presidential candidates is rapidly growing. First it was Ted Cruz. Then Rand Paul. Yesterday it was…
It was the worst-kept secret of the last 7 years, but it was made official today – Hillary Clinton is again running for president. The announcement finally…
The Air Force reported on Friday that a two-star general was fired for accusing officers of ‘treason’ should they attempt to block retirement of the A-10 Warthog by…
The Capitol building in Washington, DC, is on lockdown at this time, after shots were heard, and man killed himself on the West Front of the building….
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