Well, Lookee Here! It’s the Missing Libyan Jetliners!

Remember those eleven Libyan airliners that turned up missing last month? Check out the guy doing the Happy Dance — yep, he appears to be rocking out…

Breaking News: Joan Rivers Has Died

Melissa Rivers, daughter of famed octogenarian comedian Joan Rivers, has just confirmed that her mother has passed away following complications from out-patient surgery last week. New York’s…

Verdict In Corruption Case of Former Virginia Governor McDonnell

The verdict has just been announced in the corruption case against former Republican Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia. In case you have not heard of the proceedings,…

Holder Focuses on Ferguson PD Ignores Fast and Furious

So now the DOJ Civil Rights division is going to investigate the Ferguson Police Department. This in addition to the other investigation the DOJ is already running in…

Obama, Warren, Biden, Kerry Clueless on How to Handle the Growing Threat of ISIS

It is almost impossible to avoid the constant news feeds about the terrorist activities of ISIS. The second beheading of an American in a public display of…

IRS Wants to Tax Free Employee Lunches

In case the IRS hasn’t angered you enough in the last few months, there’s this: The IRS has decided that employers providing meals for employees who work…

$760 Million to Educate 37,000 Illegals

How much will it cost to educate the newest influx of illegal minors? $760 Million. That’s an estimate. How much will it really cost the American taxpayer?…

Wendy “Abortion Barbie” Davis Fading Sneakers, Fading Star

You know, I’m not sure that Wendy Davis’s supposedly “iconic” pink running shoes and diaper (or is it catheter?) are going to help this time. Stories abound…

Obama’s European Adventure

The President of the United States is looking more and more like a Modern day Nero these days.  Mr. Obama went off to>Europe without even a statement…

Understanding the Difference Between the “Hawkish” and the “Weakish”

Methinks the liberals (at least the very rare species of non-brain dead ones) are going to send a not so subtle message to the Democrats in the…

Guess What? There Are 11 Libyan Jetliners Missing from Tripoli

Do you think Dear Leader will start reading those intelligence reports now? And maybe get off the golf course? More and more collapse in the Mideast from…

Pakistani boys raped and abused by Quran reading pedophiles

Pakistani boys raped and abused by Quran reading pedophiles

There are millions of these young boys. Sexual abuse in Pakistan is rife. An estimated four million children in the country are forced into work from an…

BREAKING: Online Video Allegedly Shows Beheading of US Journalist Steven Sotloff

American journalist James Foley was beheaded by ISIS in a gruesome video released online. Foley was just one hostage, though — multiple Americans are alleged to be…

TX National Guard Still on the Southern Border, More to Deploy

Remember a few weeks ago when the big story was the wide-open southern border?  It may be mostly out of the news cycle now (to make way…

Obama Had Intelligence on ISIS for — wait for it — One Year

This is, as my husband says, enough to piss off the Good Humor man. Apparently President Barack ‘What Me Worry’ Obama, the Slacker-in-Chief hasn’t been reading his…

Poll: Hamas Would Sweep Gaza Elections if Held Today

To those looking for evidence of those poor Palestinians that really just want to live in peace…here’s a news flash for you.  They aren’t innocent and they…

More Than 30 Teen Convicts Escape TN Detention Center, 17 Still At Large

Heads up, Tennessee:  Over thirty incarcerated juveniles at a Nashville detention center escaped yesterday by crawling under the fence.  As of 0300 EST this morning, 17 of…

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Ava Gardner