Reports of Pvt. Bergdahl’s desertion continue to mount

After watching the video of Pvt. Bergdahl yesterday, I had a lot of questions. Without knowing details of how he was captured, it’s hard to make much…

New AIP column: Obama the car salesman

My newest American Issues Project column, Obama the car salesman, examines the techniques Obama has used since taking office to get his bad legislation passed. From the…

‘we will not submit’

from the family of pfc bowe bergdahl of hailey, idaho. “We hope and pray for our son’s safe return to his comrades and then to our family,…

happy 40th anniversary moonwalkers!

happy 40th anniversary moonwalkers!

‘the eagle has landed.’ apollo 11’s astronauts, neil armstrong and buzz aldrin, walked on the moon for the first time forty years ago today on july 20,…

Dying woman leaves her husband instructions on how to raise their children

I came across this story today about a woman who, after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, set up a “motherhood masterclass” so that he would be able…

Demographic survey results

OK folks, the demographic survey is now closed and the votes have been tallied. Just in case anyone is interested, here are the results: Question One: What…

Taliban releases video of captured soldier

Taliban releases video of captured soldier

The Department of Defense has identified the soldier as Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl, 23, of Ketchum, Idaho. On July 2, he walked off his base in eastern…

New photos!

I’ve spent the last two and a half years growing my hair out again. It had been extremely long, and then I cut it all off for…

spaghetti and burqas

spaghetti and burqas

just one more reason blatherings is a ‘burqa-free zone’… you can’t make this stuff up. heh. btw, i’m traveling today so light blogging but please discuss amongst…

Should a 72-year-old woman be allowed to have a baby through IVF?

Breaking news this morning: the world’s oldest (single) mother has died, leaving behind two-year-old twins. A Spanish woman who deceived a U.S. fertility clinic about her age…


well, of course not. we are republic; a nation of laws that practices a form of democracy with a unique american exceptionalism that is greater then any…

Barbara Boxer ripped by witness; calls her “condescending” and “godawful”

Barbara Boxer ripped by witness; calls her “condescending” and “godawful”

Video of the Day: Harry Alford, chair of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, was testifying on energy policy. Barbara Boxer started waving around paperwork from the…

Social Security bureaucrats party it up on the taxpayers’ dime

Social Security is dying. Conservatives have been saying it for years. George Bush tried to solve the problem through privatization. Democrats blocked it. For years, they’ve been…

obamanomics:  the spending pandemic

obamanomics: the spending pandemic

swine pork flu. h/t michael ramirez _____ one of my cotillion sisters, em, and the sam adams alliance, worked really hard on this video called ‘health rations…

Quote of the Day: Sonia Sotomayor edition

On the confirmation hearings of that “wise Latina”, Sonia Sotomayor: I fully expect Sotomayor to be confirmed by the Democratic supermajority in the Senate. While the nation…

Obamacare should be forced on Congress, too

The nightmare known as Obamacare is coming. And Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) knowns the surest way to stop it: force members of Congress to take part in…

sotomayor confirmation hearings

are you watching the lying backpeddling confirmation hearings of judge sonia sotomayor? let me be perfectly clear: judge sotomayor has been a shameless race baiter, 2nd amendment…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner