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New photos!

New photos!

I’ve spent the last two and a half years growing my hair out again. It had been extremely long, and then I cut it all off for Locks of Love. And then I went about trying to regrow it. While long hair is beautiful and sexy, it is also a pain, especially because my hair is so thick and wavy. It takes forever to blow dry. I use up entire bottles of shampoo and conditioner in less than a month. And I usually end up pulling it up every day because it’s too hot, or too difficult to style, or whatever the case may be. That’s not to say that long hair is a bad thing; it’s not. It was just getting on my last nerve, and with that said… I cut my hair.

It is a radical difference. Despite what I may have written about short-haired women in the past, I’m really happy with it. And hell, I still think it’s sexy. It’s entirely possible that I’ll let my hair grow out to be crazy long again, but as for right now, I’m satisfied with what I’ve got.

So, below the jump, you can check out some new pictures of me, taken last night, with my new hair. Be kind, y’all…

haircut 003

haircut 004

haircut 005

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