Standard Operating Procedures And The Mar-a-Lago Raid

Standard Operating Procedures And The Mar-a-Lago Raid

Standard Operating Procedures And The Mar-a-Lago Raid

So what if the “Use of Deadly Force” authorization, for the FBI, was Standard Operating Procedure, we should still scream about the Mar-A-Lago raid. We should be furious that any former President’s home was raided by the FBI. ANY PRESIDENT’S HOME. Period. Paragraph. End of memo. Nothing that Joe Biden does is really within the bounds of normal (Afghanistan withdrawal) or Constitutional (college loans) any more. The Biden Regime believes in the Divine Right of Kings. Shut it, peasants.

The August, 2022 raid on Mar-A-Lago by the FBI was allegedly part of an investigation into the handling of classified and sensitive material. Archivists got mad and sent out the cops. Too long:didn’t read version is that Donald Trump was still President when he arrived in Florida on January 20, 2021 and that he declassified everything. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex version is that Trump took documents to sell to competing world powers and for other dastardly nefarious purposes.

Amazing reporter Julie Kelly has actually been reading the court filings on the Jack Smith documents case and found this standard operating procedure:

From the New York Post:

The Department of Justice authorized “the use of deadly force” when FBI agents swarmed former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence in August 2022 looking for classified documents, according to court filings Tuesday.

Agents in the Aug. 8 raid were tasked with seizing “classified information, [National Defense Information], and US Government records,” reads to an operations order revealed in evidence as part of Trump’s criminal case involving the allegedly mishandled documents in Florida.

The authorities also were told to conceal their “law enforcement equipment” and come armed with “ammo,” “handcuffs” and “medium and large sized bolt cutters,” notes the filing by lawyers for the former president.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

And I bought all of the standard operating procedure booshite. Especially after I saw this headline on RedState: “Yes, the Mar-a-Lago Raid Was Extraordinary, but the ‘Deadly Force’ Language in the Ops Order Wasn’t”:

One interpretation of documents unsealed on Tuesday in the case arising out of that raid at Mar-a-Lago is that, indeed, that was the aim of that raid — or, at least, the Biden administration would have been fine had that been a byproduct of its unprecedented action against the former president.

So, we’ve seen a number of headlines along these lines: Biden administration authorized ‘Use of Deadly Force’ in Mar-a-Lago raid.

Here’s the thing: The language reflected in the Operations Order and related documents was standard language — the sort of language you’d find in most orders of that nature. Don’t take my word for it — let’s see what those who’ve actually executed such warrants and/or been present at briefings involving them have to say:

It’s just standard operating procedure:

In the Divine Right of Kings, this is standard operating procedure. So what if this was SOP, nothing about this unprecedented and extra-Constitutional rifling through Melania’s drawers was normal.

The Biden Regime violating every norm yet again.

Featured Image: greyloch/ Commons

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