ISIS Hates the #BurnIsisFlagChallenge: After Burning ISIS Flag, 50 Iraqis Kidnapped

ISIS Hates the #BurnIsisFlagChallenge: After Burning ISIS Flag, 50 Iraqis Kidnapped

So apparently ISIS isn’t happy with the latest social media trend going viral called, #BurnIsisFlagChallenge, started a few days ago by teenagers in Lebanon. They’ve now reportedly kidnapped fifty Iraqi villagers who publicly joined in the campaign and burned the ISIS flag.

A security source in Kirkuk province on Thursday stated that “The ISIS group have kidnapped 50 civilians who belong to one of the villages in the province, shortly after the people of the village burned the ISIS flag to declare their opposition of the ISIS existence in south of Kirkuk.”

But this particular clan isn’t cowering in the corner, taking the kidnapping and potential beheading of their people by ISIS laying down.

From the same article:

The source said that a group of militants driving armored cars this afternoon blockaded al-Tal village, 55 km in the west from Kirkuk, then kidnapped 50 men from the village.

A resident in the province expressed there is a furious anger upon the ISIS for kidnapping the Iraqi civilians, noting that the armed clans in the province to seek clash plan with the ISIS militants if their kidnapped relatives are set not free.

Muslims in the ME taking up arms against ISIS. Think about that. I know I like it.

Of course, not all Muslims are happy about this viral social media campaign called #BurnIsisFlagChallenge. Apparently the Lebanese Justice Minister, Ashraf Rifi, wants everyone burning the ISIS flags to face the “sternest punishments” possible. WTH? He says his objection is because the Muslim declaration of faith, “There is no god but God and Muhammad is his Prophet”, is on the flag and burning anything with that phrase on it is “outrageous and dangerously provocative”. Wait. We knowoutrageous and provocative“. So clearly Rifi is either a sympathizer or a coward — or both.

But some in the Middle East are taking this social media campaign quite seriously. Check this out:

And this.

Google or Twitter it. It’s everywhere. But remember: ISIS is a blood thirsty savage. Just this weekend, they added the heads of 2 Lebanese soldiers to their collection. This social media campaign isn’t the ALS Ice Bucket challenge. The young people who do engage and promote this campaign in the ME are taking real risks. We admire their courage.

For those of you who aren’t quite sure how to engage in the #BurnIsisFlagChallenge campaign but want to, below is a video from the ME that’s gone viral. If you emulate this one, do it outdoors.

“Blow torch’d” – MacGyver style. Nice!

Our “Weekend Links” are below the fold!

Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!

Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about this “US Weather Only Matters When It Conforms To Warmist Narrative.”

The Other McCain has many good blog posts up including this one by Stacy on “Is Rachel @Maddow’s Haircut Waging War Against Heteronormative Patriarchy?” 🙂

Phineas at Sister Toldjah has up this post on “#Benghazi: security contractors claim CIA delayed aid.”

Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up this post today on “IRS reveals more emails missing and secret conservative donor research unit.”

V the K at Gay Patriot has up this blog post called “Getting Away With It.”

Glenn Reynolds, Instapundit, has many great posts at his blog hub from all over the blogosphere so go check them out! And you can read Glenn’s latest article in USA Today on “Police problem is unaccountable attitude”, here.

Dana at The First Street Journal has up a great post called “Don’t you understand? The gun-grabbers are happy about stories like these!”.

As always, Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a fun post called “The Sun God Cometh”.

Jammie at Jammie Wearing Fools has up this must-read post “Irony: Debbie Blabbermouth-Schultz Campaigns for Woman Who Defends Abusive Husbands”.

Evil Blogger Lady has this fun post on “Imagery I could have done without: Chuck Todd’s Barack Obama Interview”. 😉

Donald Douglas at American Power has up this blog post on “Intelligence Gaps Crippled Mission to Rescue U.S. Hostages Held by Islamic State”.

Neo at Neo-Neocon is writing about “So, about those German Jews prior to World War II”.

Uncle Jimbo at Blackfive has up this video post, “Obama unveils ISIS Strategy sponsored by Letter D”. Go watch it!

Darleen at protein wisdom has up this post, “What happens when someone challenges The State and one of its Corporate bedpartners”.

Jazz Shaw at Hot Air has up this post up… “Where could Cuba go to recruit spies in the US?” You get 3 guesses.

and finally, Gabriel Malor at AoSHQ has up this post on “Obama Announces That He Will Avoid Accountability, Delay Immigration Power Grab Until After The Election”.

Happy Weekend!

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