Biden Foreign Policy: Disarm Allies, Arm Our Enemies

Biden Foreign Policy: Disarm Allies, Arm Our Enemies

The Biden foreign policy is a major disaster. Now we find out that, while he was drop-kicking Israel to the curb on Wednesday, he’d been quietly working to arm our and Israel’s enemies.

Lebanon Alert: Americans Told To Leave Country NOW

Lebanon Alert: Americans Told To Leave Country NOW

The situation in the Middle East could be ratcheting up to new levels, with the U.S Consular Office issuing new “guidance” to American citizens in Lebanon.

ISIS Hates the #BurnIsisFlagChallenge: After Burning ISIS Flag, 50 Iraqis Kidnapped

So apparently ISIS isn’t happy with the latest social media trend going viral called, #BurnIsisFlagChallenge, started a few days ago by teenagers in Lebanon. They’ve now reportedly…

ISIS invades Lebanon, then they leave?

ISIS arrived in Lebanon, a swath of death and destruction in its wake. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Sunni Muslim caliphate battled with the Lebanese Army for the north-eastern…

They Came In Peace

The Marines of 1st Battalion, 8th Marines were sent to Lebanon for a peacekeeping mission. They weren’t there to fight or wage war. Yet 241 service members…

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Ava Gardner