FBI Gets Thumb Drives of Hillary Emails, Including “Top Secret” Ones

FBI Gets Thumb Drives of Hillary Emails, Including “Top Secret” Ones

After going through her pinky-promise under threat of perjury, Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, David Kendall, has turned over two thumb drives containing her emails to the FBI, according to an anonymous official.

"Delete... save... delete... delete...."
“Delete… save… delete… delete….”

But Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says that there are at least two emails on those drives, that were retrieved off Hillary Clinton’s server, that were marked as “Top Secret.”

Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley says two of the emails, which traversed Clinton’s insecure home email server, were deemed “Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information.” That’s one of the government’s highest classifications.

Oh, really? And exactly when did these emails get that “Top Secret” designation? Because Hillary has publicly said that she NEVER had classified information on her home server system – at least, that wasn’t classified when she SENT it, and if it was classified AFTER she sent it, hey, that wasn’t her fault.

Add that to John Kerry’s comment today that he thinks that foreign hackers are possibly reading his email.

That just inspires so much confidence that Hillary’s homemade server, which we know she didn’t have the technical know-how to manage herself (remember, this is the same woman who couldn’t figure out a fax machine). So, what do you think the odds are that some enterprising hacker discovered this home server with the name “Clinton” on it, and decided to have a look?

We’re going to be left with more questions than answers right now, even though we’re still waiting for Hillary aides Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin to certify that they have turned over all of their emails.

Despite the acknowledgment, the State Department inspector general’s office has left numerous unanswered questions, including exactly who and what is being investigated. The office initially declined to comment and referred questions to the Intelligence Community inspector general’s office, which said it is not currently involved in any inquiry into aides and is being denied full access to aides’ emails by the State Department. Clinton, herself, is not a target.

If these reports of “Top Secret” information being contained in her emails, handed over by HER lawyer, prove to have been “Top Secret” when she handled them, then Hillary Clinton SHOULD be a target. And frankly, she should be behind bars for it.

UPDATE (7:50 PM EDT): The Justice Department is reportedly going to get Hillary’s server now.

Hillary Clinton will turn over her private email server and a backup thumb drive to the Justice Department, her spokesman confirmed Tuesday.

The news comes just hours after the Intelligence Community Inspector General told Congress that her email server contained emails that have now been classified “top secret.”

Spokesman Nick Merrill said Clinton “pledged to cooperate with the government’s security inquiry.”

Has the server issue finally become too hot for Team Hillary to handle? We will have to see.

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1 Comment
  • GWB says:

    two emails on those drives, that were retrieved off Hillary Clinton’s server, that were marked as “Top Secret.”

    No. They were NOT “marked” TS, they were determined to BE TS. This means that they were stripped of their markings, most likely, which is another violation of the law.

    As to when it was classified: from the instant it existed, based on the info in the memo. It was satellite imagery. That’s classified from the get-go. Just the fact that the imagery exists of a certain place and a certain time at that resolution is classified, much less the actual imagery.

    This stuff was classified TS/SI/TK/NOFORN, btw. So, how many foreign countries do we think hacked HRC’s server?

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