dick cheney at cpac (video)

dick cheney at cpac (video)

dick cheney at cpac (video)

more reason to love, love dick cheney and to appreciate his position as a true constitutional conservative.

“I think 2010 is going to be a phenomenal year for the conservative cause.”

“And I think that Barack Obama is a one-term president.”

from cheney’s lips to God’s ears.

this is something i’ve actually been thinking about for some time now. not based on my own wishes but rather on barack obama’s own narcissism. i predict that if he is still so unpopular and racking up failure upon failure, he will ‘choose’ to not run for a second term. afterall, he did say this.

this is real hope and change.

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  • Jane says:

    Kate you obsess over Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh. You need a life hun.

  • Marsha says:

    Jane you are such a fool.

    Kate: one term? Too bad we don’t have 1/2 terms… like an early out clause!

  • Ken says:

    Might be a little early to make this prediction, but God knows, I hope he’s right. There’s still plenty of time for Obama to fabricate a few victories to which our boot licking media will only be too happy to spread (stimulus success, anyone?).

    Let’s face it, the media is the only reason Obama got elected, once the propoganda machine gets cranked up, there’s no telling what will happen.

  • PenniePan says:

    Wait a minute. This is being billed all over Faux News as a “Surprise” visit to this conservative conference. Now what was the surprise? That he was actually allowed in the door? That he isn’t sitting in a jail yet for crimes against humanity? That Darth hasn’t actually croaked yet? I don’t get the whole “surprise” thing. None the less, most Americans don’t give a freakin’ rats azz what this criminal thinks but it’s a slow news day.

  • Kirk says:

    Whenever conservatives want to feel good about themselves, they trot out Darth Cheney. They easily forget that the administration he was aligned with was wrong on about everything and brought on this mess the President has to deal with in a basic clean-up action that seems worse before it gets better. The only folks that Cheney has credibility with is the old guard neocons! But the funny thing is, the neocons’ kids are all liberal! BOOYAH!

  • kate says:

    hey kirk

    they may entertain the thought of being liberal for a season — until they actually get a job and start paying taxes; 1/2 of which will go to a feckless, bloated gov’t who passes it on to those who won’t work and other nefarious entitlement pet projects. when that happens, those wannabe liberal kids grow up and remember their roots, rejecting liberal policies. and kirk? go back to your ps3 because reality is a wee bit much for you.

  • Ken says:

    “They easily forget that the administration he was aligned with was wrong on about everything and brought on this mess the President has to deal with in a basic clean-up action that seems worse before it gets better.”

    I realize that this is an exercise in futility, but I’ll try anyway. Kirk, please explain HOW he was aligned on the “wrong side” on everything and brought this mess about. I understand that you get your news from Bill Maher and Jon Stewart, but your ignorance is stunning. Your argument is very little more than a list of democrat talking points. Pathetic.

  • Robyn says:

    Dick Cheney is really one of the only political leaders today to actually speak the truth. He isn’t afraid of it either. He tells it like it is and doesn’t worry about being PC or who will like it or not. He confronts evil. He is a man of principle. I have really grown to appreciate him during the Age of Obama.

  • Jen says:

    Obama will run again no matter what. He thrives on the campaign. He sucks at the governing.

    I am wary of getting too overconfident because I believe he is good at drawing people in with his hype. Sure people are mad at him now but once he’s on the campaign trail, he becomes a different person.

  • micky says:

    “But the funny thing is, the neocons’ kids are all liberal! BOOYAH!”

    yeah. like his conservative daughter who announced the surprise.

    i think every one else pretty much covered your idiocy, just thought I’d hit on that one

  • micky says:

    Jen, I feeling by 2012 the only Obama will be runing for is the hills, or cover

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