College Protesters Want To Dodge Consequences For Protesting

College Protesters Want To Dodge Consequences For Protesting

College Protesters Want To Dodge Consequences For Protesting

The kids, as they say, are f***ing around and finding out. Some of them are being suspended, banned, or even expelled, the poor darlings.

While some colleges and universities have managed to stand firm and keep these attempted tent city protests off their campuses, others have simply caved, which we have covered on this blog multiple times. Academia, especially among the Ivy Leagues, is collapsing from within. And even Princeton, which kept tents off their campus, is now having trash like Linda Sarsour showing up to “encourage” the kids to keep going.

Linda Sarsour, a Palestinian-American organizer and former chair of the Women’s March, spoke for more than half an hour at the sit-in. Sarsour also spoke at Yale’s sit-in on Friday.

“There would never have been an end to the war in Vietnam, or South African apartheid, if it wasn’t for people like you,” she said on Saturday. “And they too, got arrested. And they too, got vilified. So please, always look back to the ancestors.”

“Don’t let anybody tell you that you being outside [protesting] is hurting your future. One day somebody will be honored to have an employee with conviction,” she told the crowd.

Yeah, about that. It seems the kids are not convinced that they won’t be affected in the future, and are demanding that their records be expunged of any disciplinary actions.

The students’ plight has become a central part of protests, with students and a growing number of faculty demanding their amnesty. At issue is whether universities and law enforcement will clear the charges and withhold other consequences, or whether the suspensions and legal records will follow students into their adult lives.

The poor privileged shitheels are suddenly concerned that they are making themselves unhireable except in academia, and there won’t be enough jobs for all of them there.

In the past 10 days, hundreds of students have been arrested, suspended, put on probation and, in rare cases, expelled from colleges including Yale University, the University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University and the University of Minnesota.

Barnard, a women’s liberal arts college at Columbia, suspended more than 50 students who were arrested April 18 and evicted them from campus housing, according to interviews with students and reporting from the Columbia Spectator campus newspaper, which obtained internal campus documents.

On Friday, Barnard announced it had reached agreements restoring campus access to “nearly all” of them. A statement from the college did not specify the number but said all students who had their suspensions lifted have agreed to follow college rules and, in some cases, were put on probation.

For international students facing suspension, there is the added fear of losing their visas, said Radhika Sainath, an attorney with Palestine Legal, which helped a group of Columbia students file a federal civil rights complaint against the school Thursday.

It accuses Columbia of not doing enough to address discrimination against Palestinian students.

“The level of punishment is not even just draconian, it feels like over-the-top callousness,” Sainath said.

More than 40 students were arrested at a Yale demonstration last week, including senior Craig Birckhead-Morton. He is due to graduate May 20 but says the university has not yet told him if his case will be submitted to a disciplinary panel.

He worries about whether he will receive a diploma and if his acceptance to Columbia graduate school could be at risk.

“The school has done its best to ignore us and not tell us what happens next,” said Birckhead-Morton, a history major.

Hey – play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The sad part is that the colleges and universities will likely cave and reinstate far too many of these precious little protesters, except perhaps in select cases. Khymari James, for example, has been “removed from campus” after Columbia University was embarrassed after his self-recorded hearing and horrific anti-Semitic rant was made public – which revealed him to be an extremely damaged sociopath on the verge of snapping if someone recognizably Jewish happened to cross his path. The university, though, won’t say that he’s been suspended or expelled. It’s clear that they don’t WANT to have to answer that question. But honestly, would you even trust someone like Khymari James, who is unquestionably unhinged and looking to be the center of attention, to even be your barista? I don’t trust him to not spit in someone’s coffee if they came in wearing a yarmulke. No wonder he wants to be elected to Congress eventually.

But here come the “experts.” You see, these protesters are just poor, misunderstood darlings who were all locked down during Covid four years ago, depriving them of establishing community bonds. So really, all this anti-Semitism? All this rude, snotty, super-privileged tantruming? It’s all the fault of Covid lockdowns!

Campus protesters roiling colleges across the nation are part of a generation shaped by the pandemic, who grew up isolated and angered by school shut-downs and social distancing and are desperate to find a connection, community and a voice, experts told The Post.

The pro-Palestinian cause allows discontented youth to express “long-withheld rage,” said forensic psychiatrist Carole Lieberman. It gives them an “opportunity to identify with the ‘oppressed’ against ‘oppressors.’”

These kids are susceptible to propaganda.

“People who offer an escape from this confusion, by promoting a direction they claim will lead to happiness and purpose, have found a hungry audience,” said Lieberman, a California-based trial expert witness.

While most of the country has moved on from Covid-19 protections, protesters are clinging to the facial fashion as a sign of fear of the virus, as well a bid to shield their identities, reported online news outlet Semafor, which noted the prevalence of covered faces in the current wave of demonstrations.

“To us, the optics are communicating that we deny the Biden administration’s narrative about COVID — that it’s no longer a big deal,” Olan Mijana, a spokesman for the March on DNC 2024 coalition, was quoted as saying. “It’s about collective safety, and it’s also about connecting this COVID neglect to the very issues that we’re marching on the DNC for.”

Oh please. Yes, the kids are “susceptible to propaganda,” and are being aided and abetted by a professional victim/protest class that views everything through an intersectional hierarchy of power. Those who do not have “power” are automatically the “good” people. This is how you get wild-eyed white girls protesting with no idea why they are doing it. But hey, at least one of them is wearing a mask, so she won’t catch Covid!

Yes, Covid lockdowns robbed these college students of a lot. Also, WE TOLD YOU SO. REPEATEDLY AND OFTEN. These protests have simply become BLM part 2, with dumb college kids who heard from someone who saw someone who is the girlfriend of another kid who saw Ferris pass out last night at 31 Flavors, that Gaza is totally being “oppressed” by Israel for, like, no GOOD reason, so we need to tell our American colleges and universities that they, like, need to hear our demands and Do Something About Israel™. And those are just the dumb ones. Then you have the Khymari Jameses and Isra Hirsis, who have been raised to hate and raised to believe that they are special victims with all accompanying privileges thereof, and no college or university should DARE to tell them “no.”

For the love of sanity, even if the colleges and universities coddle these protesters, and even if they get their records cleaned up, can everyone please remember that the internet is forever? Of course, some of them will make a big deal about their protest history and how wonderful it was that they were a part of it. Those are the ones you REALLY don’t want to hire. Reality is harsh, kids. If you think you’re “making a difference” now, then why would you want your academic file cleared and your arrest record erased? Because, in reality, these college LARPers are cowards who don’t believe that there should be consequences. At least, not for THEM. After all, they are SPECIAL.

Featured image: Sikander Iqbal via Wikimedia Commons, cropped, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

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  • Mad Celt says:

    Any foreign students should be expelled and deported.

  • D3F1ANT says:

    Stupid Leftist shills.

  • Scott says:

    At some point, these fools are going to get the violence they’re asking for, and they are NOT going to like it.. If they don’t have to face minor consequences for doing dumb shit, they’ll eventually escalate to the point that they face serious, possibly life altering (or ending) ones..

  • SFC D says:

    Nope. No amnesty or anything resembling it. Prosecute to the full extent of the law. Being stupid should be painful and painful lessons are the ones best remembered.

  • Eric says:

    How come NOBODY says ANYTHING to these ignorant protestors about Hamas using women and children as human shields for their military installations? Or that the poverty in Gaza would have been prosperity had Hamas used their foreign aid to develop public-use infrastructure rather than to build military installations and to pay off Hamas government officials? Those poverty-stricken people elected Hamas… or did Dominion voting machines elect Hamas?

    • Wfjag says:

      That would require a press which investigates and reports facts (e.g., news) instead of a press that repeats talking points and the accepted narrative (e.g., news analysis

  • GWB says:

    One day somebody will be honored to have an employee with conviction,”
    But not one with A conviction. At least not if we return to the morals necessary to maintain Western Civilization.

    whether the suspensions and legal records will follow students into their adult lives
    Ummm, they are already adults. There’s no “following”, there just “is”.
    Also, no consequences is how they ended up this way. And hard times will set them up for extreme consequences if they step too far over the line in that future.

    hundreds of students have been arrested, suspended, put on probation and, in rare cases, expelled from colleges
    And, almost always, the colleges have done this reluctantly. But, the real world is telling them they can’t simply let this carry on, or their college will lose all that cred they have in the upper crusts of society.
    And, right in the next paragraph you see that reluctance. SMH

    “The level of punishment is not even just draconian, it feels like over-the-top callousness,”
    Go away, snowflake! Maybe go investigate how a bunch of other countries would handle this – by going to live there. Might I suggest Ecuador to start? (The level of punishment is nowhere near what I would inflict on these students.)

    if someone recognizably Jewish happened to cross his path
    Hey, Khymani! Since Jesus is my brother, I identify as Jewish. Bring your murder wannabe self to MY house! I’ll cure you. I dare you!

    No wonder he wants to be elected to Congress eventually.
    Ilhan Omar is SUCH an inspiration to him!

    protesters are clinging to the facial fashion as a sign of fear of the virus, as well a bid to shield their identities
    Narrator: “Almost entirely to hide their identities.”

    Those who do not have “power” are automatically the “good” people.
    Yeah, no. Sometimes the people without power are just a**holes and evil, and have had their power taken away because of it. People like you.

    no college or university should DARE to tell them “no.”
    While we can blame the colleges for not handling the current stupidity properly, it was their parents who broke them by never telling them “no.”

    • Michigan J Frogg says:


    • Scott says:

      As evidenced by “his” video, Khymani is a bitch, and should he ever confront someone, of Jewish decent or otherwise that has the slightest amount of testosterone, there are only two likely outcomes..
      1. He cries and runs away like the little bitch he is.
      2. He gets his ass handed to him… Like the little bitch he is..

      Hamm-Ass would have great fun throwing him off a rooftop…

  • Zazu says:

    What these little useful idiots don’t realize is that their actions have consequences. Right now there literally hundreds of companies who who have an unwritten policy of not hiring graduates from a long list of liberal colleges. Poor little babies are going to winder why they can’t get hired by a decent company

  • CDC says:

    The socialism ideologue of the Eastern Bloc found a stronghold in American Universities with the ending of the cold war.
    The destruction of the nation from within is what A Lincoln prophesied. Abraham Lincoln, 1838 “Lyceum Address”

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