Buttigieg’s Vile Abortion Sermon

Buttigieg’s Vile Abortion Sermon

Buttigieg’s Vile Abortion Sermon

We interrupt your Sunday to bring you this sermon on the greatness of abortion from Pete Buttigieg’s “White Dudes for Harris” ZOOM call.

Buttigieg, who is a man and can never experience the miracle that is pregnancy and childbirth had a few things to say recently on the topic of abortion. Somehow, being the token gay dude who likes to cosplay motherhood by holding babies on a hospital bed with his husband gives him the authority to sound off on “women’s healthcare”.

I’m so glad she (Kamala) has made freedom the theme of her campaign, and I think in so many ways that’s what’s at stake. And, yes, women’s freedom is Exhibit A after Donald Trump demolished the right to choose. But, of course, men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion care.”-Pete Buttigieg

Spoken like a true “white dude”. Let’s break this down. Buttigieg says “freedom” as if this is a new concept. Every campaign should be about freedom as this is what make our country so great. But instead of focusing of freedom to prosper by fixing a screwed economy, freedom to raise children in safe neighborhoods free of crime (we know, Democrat wine moms in quaint, coastal Connecticut towns already have this, so, to them this is not a big deal), what does Buttigieg zone in on? Well, abortion, of course.

Let’s play back his last sentence…

…men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion care.”-Pete Buttigieg

Using the word “care” next to abortion is an oxymoron. But, Buttigieg is an ox and is also a moron. In his warped view of this issue, men are also more free when a woman has the choice to use abortion as a form of birth control. This is about as misogynistic of a statement as I’ve ever heard. Where’s the hysteria from the feminazis on the left on this? Or does Buttigieg get the gay pass on this one?

This goes beyond the selfish schmuck who won’t wear a condom or the man so focused on his career and ambitions who simply does not have time or desire to raise a child. Pete Buttigieg’s sick and vile statement also promotes and protects the men who exploit women (some who are still children themselves) in the dark world of sex trafficking.

A ground-breaking study by the Beazley Institute found 66 human-trafficking survivors had a total of 114 abortions — 114 abortions among 66 women. A majority indicated that coercion played a role in at least one of their abortions. Two-thirds of trafficking survivors in the Beazley study had their abortions in clinics; nearly 30 percent said they went to Planned Parenthood.”Maryland Right to Life

A $150 billion-dollar a year industry.

The connection between abortion and sex-trafficking cannot be denied. Both are an affront to human dignity, and both are profiting from human suffering. The survivor of six abortions incurred severe infections from the scar tissue, necessitating a hysterectomy. She could no longer bear children if she wanted.”-Patina Mosley, frc.org

You know what else is an affront to human dignity? Skull-crushing forceps, crushing the spine of an unwanted baby once outside of the womb, high-suction vacuum tubes, and skin-dissolving chemicals-all aimed at snuffing out the life of a PEOPLE who cannot yet speak for themselves. Obviously, we can’t expect “Mayor Pete” to put that together in his head. Abortion/Infacticide makes men more free.

Thank God for the women who allowed the Buttigiegs to be one, gay, happy family. Adoption is a wonderful thing!

Not The Bee‘s Peter Heck, sums this up nicely:

To be fair to Mayor Pete, I don’t know that he’s fully thought through the implications of his own worldview. Progressive sexual revolutionaries don’t make a habit of such things. But that’s how backwards anti-Christian, progressive thought becomes – you don’t intend in your heart to be making life easier on rapists and sexual abusers, but the lies you’ve told in order to facilitate other sins leads you right into this moral morass.”-Peter Heck

A world where you can willfully butcher another life, focusing on the what can be, unburdened by what has been…or something.

I know. It is so weird that we Conservatives have a desire to protect unborn babies. It is so weird that we don’t want women and young girls to live a life where they are subservient to evil men who put them out on the streets and haul them into Planned Parenthood for their umpteenth abortion. But these (poor excuses for) men, in Pete Buttigieg’s eyes, deserve to be free. Abortion liberates them.

Some of us may be judged on this earth by the worldview sycophants as being “weird”. If protecting an innocent life is “weird”, we’ll take it. It’s much better than being judged by St. Peter at the Pearly Gates for being flat-out evil and being expelled to the pits of hell, though I think we may already be there.

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