The Unintended Humor of Liberalism.

The Unintended Humor of Liberalism.

How can anyone take liberals and anything they say or argue for or against seriously? I am asking the question much more than rhetorically, because I can’t. …

Chelsea Clinton’s Baby Isn’t Worth More Than Yours

Chelsea Clinton’s pregnancy — to me — was pretty expected. I mean she’s a woman in her mid-30s who’s been married a few years, I’m surprised it…

Left Advances Effort to End Electoral College Role in Presidential Elections

“The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud,…

Right to Secede Resolution Moves Forward in Wisconsin

Last week the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that the Wisconsin GOP was voting at committee level on a resolution upholding the right to secede.  In case you missed…

General Mills Reverses New Policy After Media Backlash

We reported last week that General Mills was forcing consumers into arbitration and blocking their ability to sue the grocery giant—even in cases of known false advertising…

Brandeis University Gender Studies Faculty Behind Petition Against Ayaan Hirsi Ali

I thought that I could not be more shocked, or further outraged, by the unbelievably offensive behavior of Brandeis University — and then I was proved wrong. According…

General Mills Says If You Like Them on Facebook Then You Cannot Sue Them

While this is a departure from my normal litany of NSA abuses and federal overreach, this one couldn’t be passed up.  General Mills, maker of all the…

The Yellow Star Revisited

In a frightening move reminiscent of 1930’s Germany, Jews in eastern Ukraine were greeted with pamphlets today telling them they had to register “or else have their…

East Ukraine Jews Receive Leaflets Ordering Registration

As if the hostile takeover of part of a sovereign nation by its neighboring country is not alarming enough, the news coming out of Ukraine this morning…

Gavin McInnes compares Al Sharpton to someone with Down syndrome on Hannity

I still remember when I first found out that my son had Down syndrome. It’s not really something you forget. The week before, my husband and I…

Denver Woman Shot in the Head While on the Phone With 911 Waiting for the Police

A Denver woman was shot in the head by her husband on Monday night.  What makes this so much more awful is that she was on the…

The Iron Tyranny of Forced Equality

The Iron Tyranny of Forced Equality

I saw this over the weekend, and I have already waxed poetic enough on this previously (please review if you are not familiar).  The nugget is: Santangelo…

White House Asked Ben Carson To Apologize for Offending Obama

Someone needs to give the Obama White House a primer on a little document called the Constitution.  After Dr. Ben Carson’s highly conservative and controversial message at…

Happy Tax Day: Obama Proposed 442 Taxes Since 2009; IRS Seizing Decades-Old Debt

“Taxation without representation is tyranny.” —James Otis Another year. Another April 15th, the day most of us who actually pay taxes dread with every ounce of our…

FBI Facial Recognition Database Expected to Have 52 Million Faces By 2015

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, as part of its ongoing Freedom of Information requests for exposure of government privacy intrusions, reported today that the FBI will have a…

Russian Jet Flies Too Close to US Warship

The Russians are obviously very afraid of our strong President and his resolve: A Russian warplane made several close-range passes by an American warship in the Black…

Why You Should Support Cliven Bundy

In the interest of time, we’re going to assume you haven’t been living under a cave and are at least moderately familiar with the story of Cliven…

Become a Victory Girl!

Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner