Who Cleaned the Server, Hillary?

Who Cleaned the Server, Hillary?

Who Cleaned the Server, Hillary?

Last week, I wrote a post discussing Hillary Clinton’s criticism of Marco Rubio’s stance on abortion. In short, my argument was that once again, the Democratic forerunner is pretending to “care” about women when it is, was and always has been apparent that the only woman Clinton is about is herself and the people who are of no use to her are insignificant.

When my entry was shared among friends on Facebook, I came under my first and I am sure not last attack (by a Hillary supporter with a rainbow Facebook photo, no surprise there) that my opinion was a “poorly written hack job”. Yep. Just like a Democrat to attack my intellect, you know? Because they’re so superior and sooooo much more educated than we are. I really think they need to find a new shtick. Seriously, it’s getting old.

You know what else is getting old? Let’s try on Clinton’s snarky attempts at humor for size with regard to the e-mails on her server. This from four days ago:


Snapchat. It’s where all the “cool kids” who will vote for her hang out. And now this, from a press conference:

“What, like with a cloth or something?”–Hillary Clinton

Clinton, when under the gun has two strategies to defend herself. Ignore, ignore, ignore and eventually walk away and most recently, poor attempts at humor. For a woman who wants to be President of The United States in 2016, the cavalier attitude with regard to the probe may not be doing her any favors. Unless, of course, the left is such a bunch of simpletons that they don’t see this type of sophomoric behavior as condescending to her supporters and unbecoming for a person running for office.

The rich irony of this? Besides the orange pantsuit? (It’s a great color on her by the way…) The server carrying all of this classified information was housed out of a bathroom closet which belonged to Platte Networks, a small “mom and pop” corporation based out of Denver, Colorado.

The comments ensued:

…And did we mention that the server was found in a bathroom? And she’s talking about wiping it down with a cloth? I can’t even bring myself to elaborate anymore.

You know what? I take everything I said about Hillary’s sense of humor back. Hillary Clinton is a funny lady. The only things missing at this press conference? A rimshot and a faux laugh track.

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