White House Panders And Considers Welcoming Palestinians

White House Panders And Considers Welcoming Palestinians

White House Panders And Considers Welcoming Palestinians

It may seem as though Joe Biden’s White House is all over the place as of late. First, “standing with Israel” and now, considering welcoming Palestinian refugees from “war-torn Gaza“.

We know where he stands when he is barely standing. Make no mistake.This, according to “government documents” obtained by CBS News:

In recent weeks, the documents show, senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents.

One of those proposals involves using the decades-old United States Refugee Admissions Program to welcome Palestinians with U.S. ties who have managed to escape Gaza and enter neighboring Egypt, according to the inter-agency planning documents.

Those who pass a series of eligibility, medical and security screenings would qualify to fly to the U.S. with refugee status, which offers beneficiaries permanent residency, resettlement benefits like housing assistance and a path to American citizenship.”-Camilo Montoya Galvez, CBS News

Umm…? Since when are the powers-that-be going to vet whether or not these refugees have “ties” to Americans here in the States? They have not been doing this with illegal residents coming from countries that are not war-torn or tied to terrorism. And, by all means! Let’s provide housing assistance and free medical, cell phones and other perks off the backs of us working fools. Sounds like a great plan.

While many Democrats would likely support the move, admitting Palestinians as refugees could spur even more political challenges for the Biden administration related to the Israel-Hamas war.”-Camilo Montoya Galvez, CBS News

Ya think?! Be on the lookout!

The conflict has already exposed rifts within the Democratic Party, triggered massive protests on college campuses and divided communities across America.”-Camilo Montoya Galvez, CBS News

More great “journalism” here. Massive protests, eh? A protest is an exercise in free speech. The NYPD has since showed up in riot gear on the Columbiuhhh campus.

But what could possibly go wrong with the White House resettling Palestinians here on our soil? I mean, Egypt doesn’t want them and neither does Jordan!

Egypt would never agree to a resettlement of Palestinian refugees… It would be permanent. It will never be temporary, as Israel suggests.”-Yassin Ashour, Egyptian political consultant

But we’ll offer “the path to citizenship” because of Egypt’s hard stance. It’s a “burden” to them and on their economy. Awww. Granted, an economic crisis is looming in Egypt. So we, the need to make it easy for Egypt. We still have an economy that our pResident has not completely tanked. It’s not great but not as bad as Egypt’s. And Jordan? Well, they already have “too many Palestinians” and are tapped out on that front. So, we’ll make it easy for Jordan as well.

No refugees in Jordan, no refugees in Egypt.”-King Abdullah II of Jordan

Why else does Egypt and Jordan not want Palestinian refugees on their soil?

Egypt says a mass exodus from Gaza would bring Hamas or other Palestinian militants onto its soil. “-FP Explainers

The White House, OUR White House, wants to not only allow and enable Hamas and Palestinian militants on our ground, they want to fund them.

Could it be Joe Biden is losing in the Michigan polls? Or could it be he’s done lost his mind completely? Maybe this bright idea is a combination of both. Gotta ramp up the Democrats’ voter base for years to come, seeing how dismal Joe Biden’s approval ratings are at the moment. Right now, the Biden campaign is desperate and they have to get the young vote somehow. Let’s get all the Palestinian refugees in before November! At the very least, the Columbiuhhhh idiots who are pitching tents on campus could possibly offer a Palestinian refugee a nice, warm spot at their encampment or a spot on the floor of their 6-figure-a-year dorm rooms mommy and daddy paid for.

I’ve got a better idea. Place some of these fundamentally Muslim, Palestinian men in the gender-inclusive/LGBTQ+ dorm rooms. A few transgender college students thrown off buildings will make these “protesting” fools want to send them all back real quick.

Coming to a city near you:

They deserve to live in freedom, too.

The question to ask right now is: the freedom comes at whose expense? Does the White House think the guy who is willing to kill children for Hamas deserves the freedom to live on our soil? Considering Democrats don’t bat an eye at killing unborn children, I think we know the answer to this one.

To qualify to enter the U.S. as a refugee, applicants have to prove they are fleeing persecution based on certain factors, such as their nationality, religion or political views.”-Camilo Montoya Galvez, CBS News

(Snicker.) Again, what is qualifying as “proof”, here? And, if criminals can get into our country only to get deported and enter yet again to commit more crimes, I don’t exactly trust the “system” by which Palestinian refugees are providing “proof” of this persecution, but that’s just little, ol’ cynical, skeptical me spitballing here.

If there is any more guessing to be made, I would say we KNOW where The White House and the evil and incompetent old fool who resides there stands. It’s not with Israel and it’s certainly not with America at this point though we could legitimately question whether or not he has been at any point. So while The White House “considers” allowing Palestinian refugees to come live with us and how they’re going to pull “resettlement benefits” and all kinds of freebies for them out of their asses (we know how), Americans also need to “consider” another craptastic four years of Joe Biden-AKA Obama et al. Are we tired yet? Can we afford the economic toll of this? Can we afford the additional turmoil? Do we really need this right now?

The answer is we don’t. (Whispers in the words of the crazy-eyed, popcorn-brained pResident here)…


Photo Credit: Brahim Guedich, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons/Cropped

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  • Que says:

    A joke going around says that Biden wants a two-state solution: Michigan and Minnesota.

  • Scott says:

    Sad that Egypt and Jordan are smart enough to not let the PaliNazis into their countries, but our great “leadership” thinks it’s a swell idea…Years ago, I would have called them morons, but the truth now is clear, they are doing all these thing INTENTIONALLY, to destroy our Republic..

  • draigh says:

    Two words for Senile Joe: “Don’t. Pause.”

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