VP Chaos: Early Tweets And Deletes Point At Josh Shapiro

VP Chaos: Early Tweets And Deletes Point At Josh Shapiro

VP Chaos: Early Tweets And Deletes Point At Josh Shapiro

The choice of vice president for Kamala Harris is a crucial one, and it seems she has settled on Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro for her VP.

I say “seems” because there has been no official announcement yet. Kamala’s campaign had announced a big event in Philadelphia next Tuesday, which led to plenty of speculation about Shapiro being her choice… and then Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker (or someone on her staff) accidentally sent out a tweet. And once it was out there, well… the internet is forever.

So, it looks like Josh Shapiro has won the VP sweepstakes – that is, unless the hard left freak out convinces the Harris campaign to make a last-minute head-fake switch. You see, Josh Shapiro is Jewish, and strongly disapproved of the college campus Hamas protests this spring, even comparing the protesters’ rabid anti-Semitism to the KKK.

Shapiro has also faced backlash after seemingly comparing anti-Israel protesters on college campuses to the Ku Klux Klan. In an April interview with CNN, Shapiro said that just as people would not tolerate “people dressed up in KKK outfits or KKK regalia,” antisemitism shouldn’t be tolerated on campuses either. In that same interview, Shapiro also condemned acts of Islamophobia.

This has led to a movement on the left called “No Genocide Josh” (these people have zero creativity) and open worry from leftist pundits that Kamala Harris would pick Shapiro for VP, and what would that mean for the progressive anti-Semitic leftists in the Democrat party???

In a screed for The New Republic, David Klion complained that “Shapiro stands out among the current field of potential running mates as being egregiously bad on Palestine,” and “is an observant Jew with personal ties to Israel.”

“His particular hostility toward pro-Palestine activists threatens to blunt the enthusiasm among young progressive voters that Harris has managed to generate in the past few days,” he fretted.

Progressive podcaster Matthew Sitman concurred. “Really hope it’s not Shapiro—would immediately undercut the good faith chance a lot of us on the left are giving Harris,” he mused online. “Like, literally just don’t pick someone who is worse than you on Israel-Palestine.”

“Choosing Governor Josh Shapiro for Vice President would be a mistake,” argued Bernie Sanders alum and failed candidate Nina Turner. “Governor Shapiro compared pro-peace protesters to the KKK. That’s simply unacceptable & would stifle the momentum VP Harris has. Hopefully she is looking to build a broad coalition to beat Trump.”

Eric Michael Garcia of The Independent and MSNBC, meanwhile, took issue with not just Shapiro’s support of the world’s only Jewish-majority state, but his refusal to quiver before and submit to the teachers’ unions in the way that so many of his fellow Democrats have. “Everybody’s focused on Shapiro’s stance on Israel-Palestine,” observed Garcia. “But his stance on school choice and vouchers would probably make him a tough sell for Democrats.”

The hysteria on the left was heightened when – SHOCK! HORROR! – a previous column written by Shapiro while he was in college was dug up. Funny how the good people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania didn’t seem to care about this when he was elected in 2022, but it’s a problem NOW.

On Friday, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported on remarks Shapiro made about Palestinians in a 1993 opinion piece published when he was a 21-year-old student and worked at the University of Rochester’s student newspaper, the Campus Times. The remarks quickly divided some Democrats, while Shapiro’s spokesperson told the newspaper his views have changed since then.

“Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro wrote in the piece. “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.”

Shapiro’s spokesperson, Manuel Bonder, told Newsweek that the decades-old comments are not indicative of what Shapiro believes today. He said the governor supports a two-state solution to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

“Since he wrote this piece as a 21-year-old student, Governor Shapiro has built close, meaningful, informative relationships with many Muslim American, Arab American, Palestinian Christian and Jewish community leaders all across Pennsylvania,” he said.

“The Governor greatly values their perspectives and the experiences he has learned from over the years. And as a result, as with many issues, his views on the Middle East have evolved into the position he holds today.”

Bonder continued, “As the governor has made clear for years, he supports a two-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live together peacefully. And he believes it is critical for leaders on both sides of this conflict to take meaningful, necessary steps towards a lasting peace.”

And then it was also revealed that while Josh Shapiro was in Israel as a college student, he did some volunteer work with the IDF. This sent the leftists to their fainting couches.

The information has indeed disappeared from Wikipedia… but WHO is deleting this information? (Hint: it’s not Republicans.)

The left is hyperventilating about what Shapiro wrote over 30 years ago, while the right is more concerned with the pivot that he is doing right now to make himself more palatable as a VP candidate. And that is a big problem.

Josh Shapiro, for his part, was dunking on J.D. Vance as part of his VP audition tape yesterday.

Vance will be able to hold his own in a debate. Shapiro, on the other hand, will have to answer for his flip flop on Israel and Palestine and a “two-state solution” not just on a debate stage, but to a lot of frothing leftists who will demand that Shapiro be made to eat crow and kneel before Zod before they accept him as a VP candidate. And even then, the hard left makes no promises. Wiping out the story of his volunteer work with the IDF on Wikipedia is not going to be enough in this day and age.

Josh Shapiro is a smart VP pick for Kamala Harris. But if the rabid anti-Semites of the far left start getting loud and obnoxious about him, will Kamala have enough backbone to ignore them? Will Shapiro’s “evolved” positions placate the racists who clearly don’t want a Jewish vice president? And what will the convention end up looking like?

I guess we’re going to begin to find out next Tuesday.

Featured image: Governor Josh Shapiro (D-PA) via former PA Governor Tom Wolf’s Flickr account, cropped, CC BY 2.0

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  • Scott says:

    Here’s hoping that President Trump and Vance stay out of the way and let the dims fight each other in the victim olympics, trying to decide which “marginalized” group reigns supreme…

    Liberalism truly is a mental disorder!

    • Que says:

      The unfortunate thing is that Trump can never stay out of his own way …

      • Scott says:

        Not for very long it seems… though occasionally he does. I guess we’ll see..

      • Kevin says:

        Bingo! Que wins the political assessment today! There’s the republican’s Achilles heel. If the Malignant Tumor could stay on message and talk about (1) the economy, (2) the border, and (3) his vision for the future versus his grievances about the past, this race would be over. Period.

        There’s one person standing in the way of a massive Red Wave and his name is DonOLD J. tRump. He does nothing to reach out to a single voter outside of his cult following. Actually, he alienates most of them … women in general (by pronouncing Kamala’s name incorrectly, attacking her using sexist/misogynistic terms, single/childless women (JD Vance’s stupid comments about “Cat Lady’s” and his doubling/tripling down on that), People of Color (over 10% of the electorate in the United States identify as bi-racial … 10%!), and people who think he’s “too old” to be president. There’s nothing he can do about the last one given his age and senility but he could mask the other negatives when he speaks by not trashing other republicans (Governor Kemp), not veering off script into crazy land (crowd size, empty seats, stuff that means nothing), and staying on script (and we’ve seen that’s impossible for him to do ever since he slithered down that escalator).

        If the Malignant Tumor’s handlers could get him under control, republicans would be up by double digits in every purple state and possibly turn some blue states. Thank the baby Lord Jesus the Malignant Tumor remains as divisive and toxic as ever. What most “level headed” voters in the United States are thinking, “Do I want to spend four more years watching this train wreck every day?”

        The answer is … “NO.” Hence why Kamala is overtaking him in purple states and even making inroads in red states.

        • Scott says:

          “If the Malignant Tumor could stay on message and talk about (1) the economy, (2) the border, and (3) his vision for the future versus his grievances about the past, this race would be over. Period”
          “could get him under control, republicans would be up by double digits in every purple state and possibly turn some blue states.”

          Wow Kevin, so you’re admitting that Biden / Harris and the policies of the dems are complete and utter failures, while also admitting that dem voters are so shallow and unintelligent that they’d rather continue to suffer and fail under such policies than vote for someone they don’t like personally… That is truly amazing, and something I never though we’d hear from you. Contrary to popular belief, apparaently you are capable of growth and telling the truth.. who’d have thunk it…

          • Kevin says:

            I’m not admitting anything about policies … what I’m admitting is the Malignant Tumor is unable to paint Kamala as the Border Czar and communist who wants to destroy capitalism. I don’t believe either of those things but politics (especially on the Malignant Tumor’s side) is one of splitting hairs, painting someone how you want them perceived by the electorate and, basically, evil. It’s easy to paint the Malignant Tumor as evil.

            Here’s why I came back to this post and it wasn’t to read the comments. I had no idea that Governor Kemp was running for re-election. I wasn’t following Georgia politics outside of the presidential race. WTF is the Malignant Tumor doing? Calling Kemp the worst Governor, terrible for Georgia, a Rhino. JHChrist! If he’s not reined in, Kemp could lose the Governorship. I’m sure there’s a sizable portion of the Malignant Tumor’s cult who literally just listen to him without thinking and what they think is the Malignant Tumor hates Kemp. Thank you DonOLD.

            • Scott says:

              The funny thing is that whether you believe them or not is completely irrelevant. They are both well sourced facts, and the fact that you’re not bright or honest enough to admit them matters not in the least. And I know you didn’t meant o admit anything, but again, you’re not bright enough to write well, and don’t understand the very clear meaning of the words you used.. But again, that’s all par for the course with you. (do I need to explain that phrase as well?)

        • Que says:

          Dude, I don’t need your support. I don’t like Trump but I will vote for him, because I remember better times when he was president than what we have now.
          So just run along. Don’t you have a pro-Hamas rally to attend?

  • What should disturb people is that a “Jew” like Shapiro would even consider joining the ticket of the most anti-Jewish candidate ever. Well, just a hair’s difference from David Duke.

    Says a lot about all too many “Jews.” Mainly that they’re just Hebrews who’ll send anyone to the camps so long as THEIR rice bowls stay filled.

  • Scott says:

    Looks like she went with the left wing and Walz.. a POS that has totally shit on his oath he took when he joined the military.. Perfect match for Kneepads… Hopefully voters are smart enough to not fall for his “i’m a regular rural guy” bullshit, and see him for the extreme child mutilating leftist he is..

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