Vivek Ramaswamy Making Some Noise

Vivek Ramaswamy Making Some Noise

Vivek Ramaswamy Making Some Noise

Vivek Ramaswamy is making some noise these days, which means he now has a target on his back.

The FAMiLY Leader and Blaze Media teamed up to bring us the first presidential forum they called The Summit. It was hosted by Tucker Carlson. He spoke individually and casually to Republican Presidential candidates Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, Asa Hutchinson, and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Eventually, I will watch the rest of the chat sessions, but I already watched Tucker with Vivek. And it was awesome!

And, of course, now that Vivek has been making his rounds and gaining some visibility, it’s now that media will start targeting him.

At The Summit, Vivek spoke about many of the issues the American people want to discuss. And January 6th was brought up as well. Of course. Look for that to be a bone of contention that will never go away, so just get used to it. The media will sashay it out to demonstrate the domestic terrorists in all of us to keep us quiet.

Tucker simply pitched the ball to Vivek by bringing up the topic and letting Vivek take a swing. And boy, howdy, did he.

“What caused Jan. 6 is pervasive censorship in this country in the lead-up to Jan. 6,” he said. “You tell people in this country they cannot speak. That is when they scream. You tell people they cannot scream. That is when they tear things down.” – Washington Examiner

Vivek talked about all the COVID shutdowns and social media censorship regarding the vaccines and, of course, people questioning the fairness of elections, which now get labeled as extremism. Once you bring those things up, as well as January 6th, and they don’t fit into the state media propaganda, then yes, you will get a target on your back.

If you look up Mike Pence’s response to January 6th, compare it to Vivek’s, and see how they play out on MSNBC and CNN.

And our very own Victory Girl, Darleen Click, also writes about topics that Vivek doesn’t shy away from and the solutions he proposes.

Already we have Jake Tapper coming out and calling Vivek a conspiracy theorist. The signature look for the media is to stamp a prominent fat ‘CONSPIRACY THEORIST’ next to the names of people who tell the truth.

CNN’s Jake Tapper was incredulous that presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy spewed a conspiracy theory about the Federal Reserve while standing in front of a huge “Truth” sign at a campaign event. – Mediaite

Tapper began the segment saying,“The Lead has obtained video from the campaign trail of Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy — who is polling quite well in several states — agreeing with a completely untrue and, frankly, unhinged conspiracy theory about the Federal Reserve illegally adding zeros to the bank accounts of media companies,” Tapper said. –

Oooh, “obtained video,” the horror!

Who is the real conspiracy theorist here?

I hate to keep doing this to you, but I can’t seem to embed the video here, so once again, I will have to pull the quote instead.

This is from

QUESTIONER: But that is illegally taking money out the back door, not through the proper channels, or adding zeroes to bank accounts to the media or maybe your political opponents. How are you going to stop that illegal under-the-table spending of money from the Federal Reserve?

RAMASWAMY: The answer is, you have to actually make sure the Federal Reserve is politically accountable. See, this idea that it’s supposed to be some sort of special entity that exists outside the checks and balances of government, that’s where the original sin begins, right? And you’re correct to point out what very few people are aware of. Absolutely, that happens.

I watched the video, and it is clear that Vivek does not solely agree with the zeroes being added to the accounts. He agrees to the “illegally taking money out the back door” and “illegal under-the-table spending of money from the Federal Reserve.”

Come on, Jake, use your common sense, but it is apparent you don’t have any left.

Tapper concluded, “His rise in the polls means that he’s taking away votes and attention from candidates who actually could be legitimate presidential candidates.” –

Well, there ya have it. His rise in the polls means that he’s taking away votes from candidates who actually could be legitimate. Okay, Jake.  ::eye roll::

Feature Imag: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

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