More outrageous and heartbreaking news about the growing VA scandal comes from a West Virginia doctor who claims she was told to put off treatment of patients for months and at least two of them eventually committed suicide:
Moxness said when she complained to her supervisors that it was harmful to partially treat patients, they stopped talking to her.
“I was functionally silenced,” she said.
And our country’s Veterans were silenced as well. Permanently.
The level of shame every bureaucratic hack that knew what was really happening in the VA system SHOULD feel has reached a new apex. I mean, most of the administration and the bureaucrats who support and cover for them should be ashamed to even face the mirror each morning, but this is truly a new level of reprehensible behavior. I doubt any of these self-serving rats will feel anything that resembles a conscience. That sound of scurrying rodent feet belong to VA administrators and governmental bureaucrats racing out of the sunlight and into cubicle darkness.
Imagine the kind of desperation our critically ill and injured Veterans felt being denied health services they earned and deserved, only to be told they must wait. They waited and waited for months, and when they couldn’t wait any longer, our Veterans did the unimaginable.
I wonder if it’s the kind of desperation and frustration Sandra Fluke must feel while demanding that taxpayers fund her birth control? I mean, how can that girl DATE without free birth control? A Veteran who saw actual combat cannot compare to the angst of having to be responsible for your own sexual behavior!
While Eric “Mad As Hell” Shinseki insists he didn’t know this was happening, our Veterans were being put on secret wait lists by government bureaucrats. Then left to suffer and die, either wasted away on a waiting list or by their own hand.
But, never fear….President Stompy Foot is “Mad As Hell” too! Even though he knew….clear back in 2008. About the time he was relentlessly pushing Obamacare down our throats. Why, it’s like he didn’t want Americans to know about the horrible conditions at the VA!! We might have questioned the wisdom of nationalized healthcare or something.
Moxness, a psychiatrist, says the VA administrators lost touch with patients and claims they were compassionless.
“They don’t really experience what the doctors and nurses are experiencing, which is the suffering and the pain and the death,” she said.
^Not a motto for the VA^
Ponder that for a while, as you listen to and read about all the news stories that continue to break about the VA treatment of our Veterans:
The report said that there was no proof that veterans had actually died waiting for treatment, as was allegedly the case at the hospital in Phoenix where lists were also kept. However, the doctor told the website that officials are trying to hide any evidence of a waiting list’s existence. The steps being taken reportedly include removing or renaming databases.
“When everyone found out the [inspector general] was doing the audit, the word I heard was ‘make sure nothing is left out in the open,'” the VA doctor told The Daily Beast. “And that ranged from make sure there’s no food out to make sure there’s no information out in the open.”
This is despicable.
And this is what civilians can look forward to. Free birth control, abortion, services for non-citizens, bureaucrats lying and obstructing the truth, and being placed on a wait list while you suffer needlessly from an actual medical condition that doesn’t involve a condom.
And SecDef has been so kind as to move that little traitor Bradley Manning up on the list to get his genital mutilation so he can feel like a “she”… if you are a veteran or someone who gives a DAMN about our Vets this should send you up the wall.
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