Tyler Florence Tries To Save San Francisco

Tyler Florence Tries To Save San Francisco

Tyler Florence Tries To Save San Francisco

It looks like celebrity chef Tyler Florence will try and save a post-apocalyptic city by opening two cafes in the once-trendy hotspot of San Francisco, Union Square.

Dear Tyler, we wish you luck with that endeavor. And he seems hopeful:

“I think people need to just look in the mirror every day and realize that we can’t live like this any longer, with the crime, car vandalizing, theft and robbery,” Florence. “I think on the other side of the coin is the positivity in the city.” – Breitbart

I probably sound like a broken record because I keep bringing up what Obama once said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” Well, we are here, folks. I am referring to open borders, defunding the police campaigns, drug-infested and crime-ridden cities. What Obama started in 2009, his vice president is completing in 2023.

Does Tyler Florence know that the mayor of San Francisco is a liberal social justice warrior who was a massive advocate for defunding the police during and after the George Floyd riots?

And now?

According to city data, the San Francisco Police Department is understaffed by a whopping 541 officers.

Defund the police + covid plandemic + open borders + fentanyl epidemic = apocalyptic cities. But Tyler will save San Francisco with cafes. Okay.

Look, I appreciate the chef’s sentiment. I guess he’s trying. But honestly, I have a feeling his cafes won’t last long.

But then again, London Breed demanded federal assistance with her city earlier this year.

San Francisco, CA – The United States Conference of Mayors adopted a resolution sponsored by Mayor London N. Breed to support urgent and increased federal enforcement and public health interventions to address the fentanyl crisis. The resolution was supported by a bi-partisan group of Mayors from across the country. – SF.gov

So, we eliminate local law enforcement, open the borders, and then ask Big Daddy to help. Do you see a pattern here? The big government gets more prominent. And more powerful.

The Mass Exodus

In June of this year, a viral video showed a mass exodus of San Francisco retail stores. Crime waves and plandemic were blamed.

The viral video can be viewed in the link quoted here from the New York Post:

Since 2020, at least 26 stores have closed up shop in downtown San Francisco.

An additional seven stores are expected to shut down in the near future.

Several top retailers have either announced they are leaving or have recently shut down their stores in Union Square, including Saks Off 5th, T-Mobile and Nordstrom, which is shuttering two stores in the area. – New York Post

And it’s not just retail stores that have abandoned San Francisco. Large corporations decided to relocate, too. Build Remote has a long list of them on their website.

So, will two cafes by Tyler Florence help San Francisco? Maybe it’s a start. I guess I could say that someone is trying to step up. I wish him luck.

Welcome, Instapundit readers!

Feature Image: Noah Friedlander, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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