Trump Just Wants To Stop The World From Killing Itself

Trump Just Wants To Stop The World From Killing Itself

Trump Just Wants To Stop The World From Killing Itself

I don’t know about the world, Mr. President, but the United States is part of it. Maybe we should be asking what the Democrats are afraid of? They keep saying, “We aren’t going back!”

That is very telling, and everyone should be asking where we are headed with a Harris administration if we aren’t going back.

What Is America’s Future?

If we aren’t going back, then surely, with Kamala in charge, we are moving forward into destruction.

Joe Biden has been on vacation for days. By all appearances, it seems Joe Biden took his being forced out of the race to heart and commenced his actual retirement plan. Kamala apparently went back into hiding since being installed and gave a speech at the DNC telling us America won’t go back. Those two would just as soon let the world burn indeed.

Why on earth would you want to go back to low gas prices? Or when you could afford to feed your family without spending a fortune at the grocery store. How about when America had a secure border instead of having millions of illegals flooding in with practically no vetting procedures. Ask Aurora, Colorado, how that is working out for them. And New York City, once the big apple of the nation’s eye, has become a filth pit of despair due to Kamala’s inability or unwillingness to do her job. What moron decided, “Yea, let’s make her the candidate.”

Make America Great Again has never been truer than it was in 2016. We need it now more than ever. Thankfully, Donald Trump isn’t afraid.

Donald Trump doesn’t shy away from the media, and he’s also been appearing on popular podcasts like Theo Von. All the young people (and the future of our country) listen to it. Victory Girl Toni covered it a few days ago, and The Federalist also talks about it.

Trump has continually proved to listeners of these conversations that, despite the lavishness of his unique life, he is still just a citizen who is sick of seeing his fellow Americans trod upon by the Regime and its liberal supporters. His goal has always been simple: to protect the interests of the forgotten men and women of this country and to save them from the depraved death cult of leftism. In this simple way, he embodies the spirit of the founders more than any other leader in recent memory. Or, in his own words: “I just want to stop the world from killing itself!” – The Federalist

The Democrats hate Donald Trump for one reason, he loves this country. And the Democrats are afraid of Donald Trump because he wants to do the bidding of the American people with the guidance of our Creator.

What Do You Want?

But the other side, the Democrats, with its propensity for wanting to fundamentally transform America, take a look around. Is this where you thought you’d be as an American citizen?

It would be nice to ignore the prattling of the insane leftists, but now the inmates run the asylum: Judges regularly release murderers onto the streets, groomers run school districts, and communists wear stars upon their uniforms. At some point, we lost our nerve and started “playing nice” to the ghouls at the fringes. Now a significant proportion of society doesn’t even know what our values are anymore. As left-wing reactions to the Von/Trump interview reveal, we don’t even have an effective way to communicate these concepts to them. Our words float past them uselessly. They occupy a fictional world in their own minds, built upon an obsessive self-worship that leaves no room for growth, introspection, challenge, or reflection. – The Federalist

Now, I know there are people on the right out there who want to like Donald Trump but keep talking about him being bombastic in his speech. Those people will nitpick until they get the sweater to unravel. However, we need their votes too. And look at Trump and Kennedy coming together for the good of the country. When was the last time a legendary family name like Kennedy ever put the country first? Or any Democrat, for that matter.

Yes, there are still issues that Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. disagree on, but they are coming together on big ones – to take back the country so we can work out the others. And hopefully, we can even pull over some of those Democrats who may be disgusted with where their party has veered off into.

Meanwhile, we have a current president lounging around on the beach for days without a care in the world. Kamala is probably off somewhere practicing for her debate against Trump while still ignoring the press. Hey Kam, where is that sit-down interview you promised to do before the end of the month?

And forget about this being the third anniversary when 13 of our service members were killed during a miserable withdrawal from Afghanistan on Joe Biden’s watch. He has better things to do.

Biden makes a statement about the third anniversary of the attack at the Kabul airport. Donald Trump pays his respects by visiting Arlington National Cemetery with a wreath-laying ceremony to honor fallen service members.

We have 70 more days to go until we cast our votes. The debates are coming up, and the election process continues. Let’s hope and pray we can make it through these next few months. And someone, please figure out who is running the country until then.

Feature Image: Created with Canva Pro

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  • GWB says:

    They keep saying, “We aren’t going back!”
    Because “back” for them means they can’t indulge their hedonism. It means they can’t express themselves without their conscience telling them they should probably not go that route. (They had to take away everyone’s conscience in order to adequately sear their own.)

    Those two would just as soon let the world burn indeed.
    Those two aren’t in charge and never have been. 0bama was never in charge, either. We are being “governed” by the elite priests and bishops of the High Church of Progressivism. “Those two” aren’t worried about the world burning because they think their world won’t. But the cabal behind them? They aren’t content to let it burn. No, they are actively pouring gasoline on the flames and breaking up the furniture of Western Civilization and pitching it in.

    What moron decided, “Yea, let’s make her the candidate.”
    The one that figured out the downticket races were going to seriously implode if Trump could run against Biden again. This way, those downticket races get to distance themselves from that. Understand, at least one portion of the Democrat power coalition threw Harris and Walz in there to take the L and ensure they couldn’t ever trouble the party again. They didn’t pick her to win, but to lose in such a way to preserve some of those downticket races.

    But, yes, Harris means the Dems are struggling. Because they hamstrung their power by allying with the identitarians. When they placed Harris in the Number Two slot as a guarantee of throwing Biden out… well, the scorpion is eventually going to sting you. And now they don’t have a charismatic face to put on their giant technocracy. They know that without that face, the technocracy will suffer – people will never like a faceless bureaucrat or their policies as much as a charismatic person telling them to Eet Zee Bugs! So now they have to see what damage they can minimize to come back in 2 or 4 years and lie and grift their way back into the figurehead position.

    • Cameron says:

      Because “back” for them means they can’t indulge their hedonism.

      There are so many other countries that will indulge them and they can leave by tomorrow.

  • A reader says:

    What exactly does “Make America Great Again” mean to you? When was America “great”? What mythical, magical time was our country “great”? If you answer between the ‘40’s-50’s, I’d argue for you to actually study history because it certainly wasn’t “great” for black people. Or women, who were being shoved back into the domestic sphere after helping out so much during WWII. Or other minorities, like the Japanese Americans who were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives after returning from the camps.

    The ‘80’s? Nope, not then either. It was a good time for some, but certainly not everyone.

    The problem with the whole “Make America Great Again” idea, is it does indeed pull us backward. And for so many, that pulls them back into darkness when they’d rather stay in the light. It speaks of an America that was only “great” for some, and not everyone, when the ideal should be for everyone. “We the people” remember? That means everyone. So if America wasn’t “great” for one or more groups in our past, then how can it be made “great again” unless you are referring to the rescinding of certain rights and privileges that have recently been afforded. Or if you’re referring to before Obama, which is what I think Trump is referring to. It wasn’t like things were perfect pre-2008, either, FYI!

    Basically MAGA is a racist dogwhistle that harkens back to a time before certain minorities were given rights.

    As for gas prices: presidents don’t control those. They rise and fall with supply and demand. There were issues under Trump, too, you’re just conveniently forgetting that. Trump doesn’t want stop the world from killing itself, rather he relishes in the chaos and destruction. That’s the strongman’s MO. This post sounds like the desperate throes of someone who knows their candidate is flailing so they have to prop him up. Good luck with that.

    • Cameron says:

      “like the Japanese Americans who were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives after returning from the camps”

      Yeah…your party was not really kind to them. Or to blacks. I wonder why Democrats blocked every civil rights law that came up since the 1900s?

      Honest question that I know you will ignore: What does Harris offer that will correct the Biden Administration’s errors?

    • GWB says:

      What mythical, magical time was our country “great”?
      America has been great ever since she was founded.

      It was a good time for some, but certainly not everyone.
      And there’s the problem in a nutshell: the perfect is the enemy of the good, even when that perfection is not possible in reality.
      Blacks were actually doing pretty well, until the Great Society came along to “help” them. Women have done pretty well in America, until feminism told them that if they weren’t exactly like men they weren’t worth anything. Hispanics have been a big part of the greatness of America – at least if you actually know history.

      the ideal should be for everyone
      There you put the proper word back in: “ideal.” You do understand that the ideal never actually exists? (No, I know you don’t.) Progressivism thinks it can – through the power of government and “reason” – alter human nature and make everyone and everything perfect.

      No, MAGA does not “pull us backward.” It simply says that all of those things the Dems/Progressives are doing to tear America down are never going to actually build her back up. They’re simply going to go down the tired, rutted, road to serfdom that is Marxism. MAGA is about stopping that ruinous slide down the hill and over the cliff, and restoring the thingsthat made America great.

      Part of your problem (and all the Marxists like you) is that you can’t see America as great for its opportunities and insist that if a single person isn’t crapping in gold toilets and eating caviar on Ranch Doritos, then everyone else is at fault and that means America is a failure. And that’s a giant crock of pooh. Yes, we still have poor people – Jesus told us we always will – but it’s also true that our poor people are the richest ever in history. Our poor that are at the very bottom still can afford cellphones. Our poor people are FAT. If you’re not blinded by perfection being the enemy of the good, that’s pretty dang amazing. And that is a result of the America you fallaciously deride as racist and misogynist and all those other awful things.

      So, yes, I want to go back – to a time when the people I knew didn’t care about the color of your skin or even where you came from – ethnically or previous life – and they wanted to succeed based on their merits and people recognized perversion and mental illness for what it is (and treated it).

  • Scott says:

    Bravo Cameron and GWB, Bravo.. Really don’t have anything to add, you both did a masterful job at tearing apart the drivel reader posted.

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