Trans Lawyer For ACLU Adds To Newspeak Dictionary

Trans Lawyer For ACLU Adds To Newspeak Dictionary

Trans Lawyer For ACLU Adds To Newspeak Dictionary

The meltdown of the left and some of the trans community ensues as Donald Trump takes on Day 3 in office.

Here we go with exhibit 1,984 since Monday’s Day One. Enter Chase Strangio, trans lawyer for the ACLU. Strangio appeared on Democracy Now to discuss with Amy Goodman:

Yeah, so, obviously, you can hear from the rhetoric — that was one of the centerpieces of his campaign — that he is targeting trans people by focusing on retrenching this notion of a fixed gender binary at the time of conception. So, that came out in his inaugural address, and then, last night, he signed an executive order, quote-unquote, ‘defending women’ and ‘restoring biological truth to the federal government.’ Now, the audacity of having this administration come in, claim to defend women, while defining women as ‘the adult human female,’ which means the sex that produces the large cell at the time of conception, while simultaneously attacking abortion, contraception, and, you can see in this language, beginnings of fetal personhood.”-Chase Strangio

Obviously. A centerpiece of the campaign? This self-centered crowd has completely ignored the other “centerpieces” like deporting illegal murderers and rapists of biological women and cleaning up this sh*tshow of the economy so biological women can support and feed their kids, but we’ll put a pin in that for now. The denial (and downright stupid) is strong with this one, though. Biological truth is just that. Anything else is biological fiction. And, there are some VERY real-world truths and consequences for grown trans people and for “trans” children when they choose to believe fiction without acknowledging the truth of their existence in the now. See Identity Crisis on The Daily Wire for the ugly and grotesque TRUTH that Strangio chooses to not believe. The TRUTH these crazies need to be talking about with children is these botched-up, life-ruining, trans surgeries.

And, come again, fetal personhood?! Strangio says Trump is also attacking abortion, you see. Now, I don’t care where Strangio (whose name keeps autocorrecting me to “Strange”-no accident here, IMO) got its lawyering degree but, if one is to acknowledge “fetal personhood“, then, I think the whole “clump of cells” argument BIOLOGICAL WOMEN use to kill their offspring goes completely out the window.

More from the nutty attorney:

Yeah, so, there are many, many instructions in this one executive order, including this directive to HUD to issue proposed regulations to, in essence, exclude trans people from various forms of shelter system, under the auspices that a trans person is an inherent threat to nontransgender women.”-Chase Strangio

Yeah, so…wait a minute…nontransgender women?!

You mean, biological women, Chase? WE are the majority. Our restrooms. Our locker rooms. Our sporting events. None of us will EVER identify ourselves as “nontransgender women” because we don’t have to. The trans cOmMuNiTy now wants to take this away from biological women, too. THIS is one of the reasons Donald Trump is sitting where he sits today, guys, gals and non-binary pals!

This guy-gal-whatever-is the same “lawyer” who argued that two year-olds know they are trans:

And these are young people who may have known since they were two years old exactly who they are, who suffered for six or seven years before they had any relief.”-Chase Strangio

Because they’re little boys who try on their mother’s high heels to walk around the house with once?

Let’s also explore “relief”. If this so-called “relief” looks anything like it does on Chase Strangio, I would caution groomers-I mean the “cool” parents and teachers and school counselors-to caution against such “relief”. Once again, this small faction of the population plays the victim by lessening the definition of what a true woman is by calling biological women, “nontransgender women“. By calling locker rooms, restrooms and sporting events “forms of shelter“. It’s the biological women’s job to capitulate and cater to these tortured, victimized, delusional souls.

The trans community can do whatever it is they want, quite honestly. They are not going away. And while it is not my lifestyle to understand or to embrace, if you are a biological woman and you want to be called “Chase”, then I will call you “Chase”. If you’re a biological man and you insist upon being called “Eve”, I will call you by your chosen name. But, Eve? You are still a guy. While your community may be living your own version of the truth, there are certain truths that need to be reckoned with. I am still a biological woman who is just that and nothing more. No other definitions to include the trans community are needed here for my chromosomal makeup. Our God-given gender is not about any of you; it never was until you made it so.

And since you made it so, our current administration is choosing to protect US for a change. So, here’s another brutal truth. Yeah, so obviously, our locker rooms, bathrooms or daughters’ sporting events are not YOUR “shelter”. They never have been.

The majority whose “personhood” began in our mother’s womb has spoken.

Featured Image: DVSROSS/Wikimedia Commons 2.0

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  • skillyboo says:

    “Fetal Personhood”, well that’s a first. I guess you can make this sheet up. We shouldn’t give these fools an audience but, then again, we’d never know just what they’re up to and how they try to make their delusions reality.

  • GWB says:

    he is targeting trans people by focusing on retrenching this notion of a fixed gender binary at the time of conception
    No, dinglepuss. He is not “targeting” anyone. He is simply re-iterating actual scientific fact. The idea that you’re somehow defiant of Nature and its God in proclaiming something to be merely by the power of your reason is what’s being targeted. Because “not being in touch with reality” is a mental illness.

    while defining women as ‘the adult human female,’
    As it is in all of science.

  • NTSOG says:

    I wonder if Chase has the balls to enter a male locker room and use the showers with the regular blokes who do have balls? Or does chase still use the women’s rooms because ‘it’ doesn’t have the balls to enter the lion’s den?

  • CDC says:

    Chase is serving Satan,Chase is a lawyer who will try to convince scota that 2 year old children know they are trans and will suffer unless pumped full of testosterone or estrogen and under go sex change butchering.

    This is in your face evil that should be dealt with appropriately,beginning with Chase being sent away for help until shes better.

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