The Verdict Is In: Obama Is Crying Out for Impeachment

The Verdict Is In: Obama Is Crying Out for Impeachment

The Verdict Is In: Obama Is Crying Out for Impeachment

“Elvis has left the building.” It is a mantra that we have heard for the last thirty-some years since the King overdosed and departed this earthly life. Now, however, it appears we are witnessing the demise of a king president who wants us to say “Barack has left the house” — the White House, to be precise.

Three news stories in the last few days have screamed this message loud and clear, indicating that the Chosen One is crying out to be put out of his misery.

(1) “Congressman at Border: ‘Obama Begging to be Impeached.”

McALLEN, Texas – Observing what he could only describe as “chaos on the border” during a midnight tour of the Rio Grande on Friday, Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, concluded, “President Obama is begging to be impeached.”

“For all I know, Obama is preparing to process five million illegal immigrant kids and teenagers into the United States,” Stockman said upon observing border operations near McAllen, Texas.

“He wants us to impeach him now,” Stockman theorized, “before the midterm election because his senior advisors believe that is the only chance the Democratic Party has to avoid a major electoral defeat. Evidently Obama believes impeachment could motivate the Democratic Party base to come out and vote.”

I agree with Congressman Stockman that Obama is crying out to be impeached. But it is not because he aspires to motivate voters in the mid-term elections. No, Obama is not that party-loyal. He is self-loyal, and he wants out. He is tired of being president. He hates living in protective custody. That is why he has gotten out and walked across the Mall and Lafayette Park near the White House. He has jeopardized the lives of his Secret Service entourage because he does not care one iota about them. He wants to be free of the scrutiny and the protection and the responsibility. He never thought he would get elected in the first place. Now, all these years later, he could care less about those who have pledged their lives to protect his. It’s sad really. And it is time to give him his wish. Impeachment is the answer to his prayers … and the nation’s.

(2) “Barack Obama Has Already Checked  Out of His Job.” This story from across the pond focused on the media speculation earlier this week that the Obamas have been looking into purchasing a home in California for when they leave the White House. A few days after the story broke, Obama’s minions tried to squelch the rumor. But where there is smoke there is fire. Obama has hundreds of devotees in the Golden State, so it is only natural that he would seek to live among the rich a famous. Why go back to Chicago, home of his underling Godfather, when he can live in the sunshine, amid golf courses of all sizes and shapes. His minions tried to suppress the story. However, it makes no sense for the Obamas to be looking for a home 2 1/2 years before they would need it, unless they are trying to flee the constraints of the Casa Blanca before Mr. Obama’s sentence term is finished. Time will tell. I am betting that California will be the new Obama home in 2017. Hawaii is too far away. And Chicago is too mundane. California is the liberal bastion Obama craves.

(3) “As Russia Crisis Shows, Obama Has Checked Out.” Esteemed writer, physician, and political pundit Charles Krauthammer noted this week:

The president’s demeanor is worrying a lot of people.

From the immigration crisis on the Mexican border to the Islamic State rising in Mesopotamia, Barack Obama seems totally detached. When he does interrupt his endless rounds of golf, fundraising and photo ops, it’s for some affectless, mechanical, almost forced public statement.

Whether we describe Obama’s attitude as one of detachment, apathy, disinterest, or narcissism, it has become crystal clear that the man at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is crying out for someone or something to free him from the burdens and the chores of which he has grown bored, tired, or allergic.

Obama would rather play golf and fundraise than actually make an effort to act presidential. Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal got it partially right this week:

How, then, to explain someone who claims he can run the country and a troubled world out of his back pocket while he flies from fundraiser to fundraiser? Barack Obama is the most provincial U.S. president in at least a century. The progressive Democrats who displaced the Clinton machine in 2008 and came to power with Mr. Obama have no interest beyond consolidating political and electoral power inside the U.S. […] The fundraising is a frantic effort to protect this new Democratic voter machine. The world doesn’t vote, so the world doesn’t matter (emphasis added).

Indeed, for Obama, nothing matters any more. Well, perhaps his children. But even they do not matter enough for him to preserve the greatness of the country in which his two daughters were born, even if he himself was not. Obama is content to let America’s greatness fade into the sunset. His children and ours will pay the price for his impotence and apathy.

elvisobamaI for one am all for putting the president out of his misery. But I prefer that he take the high road and the initiative himself and resign from office. He can do it easily and quickly. But as with most cowards, he does not have the guts to do the right thing. He is, after all, too far left, and too far gone.

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