The Liz And Kamala Town Halls Reeked Of Desperation

The Liz And Kamala Town Halls Reeked Of Desperation

The Liz And Kamala Town Halls Reeked Of Desperation

In a bid to get “moderate” Republicans to vote for her, Kamala brought Liz Cheney on stage for three town halls yesterday. The desperation and grasping at straws was palpable.

Ronald Reagan’s Republican Party was built on a three-legged stool, made up of fiscal conservatives, social conservatives and foreign policy hawks.

Kamala Harris, with an assist from one-time GOP darling Liz Cheney, is going after all of them.

Defending democracy and abortion rights have been at the fore of Harris’ push to win over moderate Republicans in the final two weeks of the campaign. But, at back-to-back town halls in three Rust Belt states on Monday, the Democratic vice president and the former No. 2 House Republican also pitched themselves to foreign policy hawks, voters who consider themselves “pro-life,” and fiscal moderates.

What’s interesting about this desperate gamble is that the three stops coincided with the areas that Nikki Haley won over Trump during the primaries. It’s kind of comical that Kamala’s team takes that to mean that, once a Haley voter always a Haley voter…but I digress. 

Guess who the moderators were for these cute little town hall events? 

The conversations were to be moderated by Bulwark publisher and longtime Republican strategist Sarah Longwell and conservative radio host and writer Charlie Sykes.

Uhhh, guys? Sarah and Charlie have been Never Trumper liberals since President Trump broke their brains in 2016. As for those moderators and the rules… this wasn’t a free-wheeling town hall. Nope, each of the three events were very and I mean VERY tightly scripted.

Go figure. Evidently Maria moderated the other two, but still. Each was a highly scripted event with carefully chosen lemmings in the audience. 

Liz wants war and that was very clear during all three events. 

Which means she’s all in on funneling more taxpayer money to Ukraine instead of trying to A. get Russia to stand down and B. get Ukraine to agree to negotiate a truce. What does that mean for Israel? Not sure, but it doesn’t look good. Meanwhile, Kamala just bobblehead nods in agreement.

This regarding abortion and the Supreme Courts Dobbs decision was both astounding and disappointing. 

Ms. Cheney told crowds in Brookfield, Wis., and Malvern, Pa., that Republican laws to sharply limit abortion access since the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade had gone too far.

In other words, Liz is NOT a fan of States Rights.

I tell you what, the decision by Wyoming voters to kick her to the curb is looking better and better all the time. 

Caring about the rule of law?? They obviously do NOT live in reality. Otherwise they’d have to take a serious look at Joe “The Big Guy” Biden, Hunter, Burisma, Ukraine, cocaine, and so much more. 

One other thing to note… this from President Trump in response to these three highly scripted virtue signaling town halls is completely on point.

But again, why does this move to host three town halls reek of desperation?? Because January 6 isn’t of high concern to ANY voter. Nor is Trump’s mean speak or his political stunt at McDonald’s on Sunday. 

What IS of concern to American voters is:





Those are key. Does Kamala “Queen Word Salad” address any of that in detail? NOPE. 

I will tell you this, it is worth watching this video. Why? Because when Kamala is speaking, the looks on the faces of the folks behind her is a joy to watch. They are in PAIN in their attempts to either decipher her word salad or refrain from throwing up at what she threw at them. 

Liz Cheney claims she’s a defender of the Constitution, yet she sat on the January 6 Committee. She’s an advocate for the Constitution, yet she welcomes lawfare against those she disagrees with. 

Her participation in the town halls with Kamala is a fitting end to her claim to be a Republican, and truly shows the desperation Kamala’s campaign is feeling right now. The only way she’s going to make it over the finish line is to have highly scripted events. And yet, she still fails and flails while Liz watches and potentially realizes how badly she stepped in it by hooking her career to the Queen of Word Salads. 

Feature Photo Credit: Screen shot from Kamala Liz town hall in Pennsylvania via YouTube, cropped and modified

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  • Scott says:

    The look of condecension on old sour Liz’s face says it all. Like was said above, she was against abortion, till being pro abortion got her a paycheck. She’s all about the benjamins. This is, as always with our “betters” about power, and Liz is pissed that the peons don’t know their “rightful ” place, and that they kicked her to the curb.

    No surprise that these “birds of a feather” are flocking together, they both hate America, they are both overcome with TDS, they are both low intelligence morons (though I do believe that Heels Up has the edge in this area). Liz is not, and never has been a conservative, she’s nothing but a globalist / elitist.. Kick them both to the curb in less than 2 weeks.. PLEASE!

    And while you’re at it… PREPARE

  • GWB says:

    That top pic practically screams “SNL sketch still”! Is it any wonder so many are not taking them seriously?

  • GWB says:

    a three-legged stool, made up of fiscal conservatives, social conservatives and foreign policy hawks. (emphasis added)
    is going after all of them
    If you’re spouting pro-abortion stuff, then you’re really not “going after” social conservatives.
    Unless you mean “hunting them down to destroy them.”

    (And the GOPe the last few decades has been very little interested in social conservatism. They are progressives, but they want lower taxes and more fiscal responsibility while destroying the moral fabric of the nation.)

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