The Fix Was In For Jamaal “Fire Alarm” Bowman’s Plea Deal

The Fix Was In For Jamaal “Fire Alarm” Bowman’s Plea Deal

The Fix Was In For Jamaal “Fire Alarm” Bowman’s Plea Deal

The fix was in for Jamaal “Fire Alarm” Bowman. Evidently there was a great deal of behind the scenes negotiations in order to let Jamaal off scot-free for his fire alarm “prank.”

Golly gee. Isn’t is so NICE to have connections and negotiate that stupendously sweet deal? No consequences for what Jamaal claims was a pure accident because he was in such a hurry to vote! 

As Carol wrote here, he claims this pulling of the fire alarm was just a pure accident. He was in a rush. He thought the ‘button’ would open the doors and let him through. Except that he was in the Cannon Office Building and for some reason didn’t take the tunnel to the House floor? I’ve been on three tours of the House and Senate and even I know there are tunnels for quicker access between the office buildings and the House/Senate floors. So his excuse was thin from the get go. 

That said, his appearance in court yesterday showed that the fix was in. A slap on the wrist was all he got. 

However, I’m sure the judge would be interested to know about the footage that was released yesterday afternoon…AFTER his court hearing. 

My goodness, it sure does look purposeful to me! There were WARNING signs on the windows, and Jamaal took them down, and then specifically reached over and yanked on that good ole fire alarm. 

That was NOT an accident folks. He did that on purpose. 

That’s ok though! He has his defenders. 

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) said Thursday that fellow Democratic New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman doesn’t deserve censure for falsely pulling the fire alarm before an important vote last month.

Bowman pleaded guilty Thursday to a misdemeanor for the fire alarm incident in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Republicans have accused him of pulling the alarm to sabotage the vote, with some calling for punitive action.

You see, NONE of this, according to Jeffries, is Jamaal’s fault. His pulling the fire alarm was a mere accident and nowhere near the egregious behavior that happened on January 6. 

“[M]any of these lawmakers on the other side of the aisle who had their hair on fire about what appears to have been an inadvertent action taken by Congressman Bowman, to which he is now being held accountable for, within the criminal justice system, regularly defend violent individuals who overran the Capitol on Jan. 6, as part of an effort to halt a peaceful transfer of power,” he said.

“And these violent individuals brutally beat and seriously injured 140 police officers, on the day of the insurrection,” Jeffries continued. “And many of them, who are having a panic attack, publicly, about Jamaal Bowman have actually defended or refused to comment on the violent mob on Jan. 6.”


A. January 6 was a mess on all levels. Yet it is news to me that 140 officers were SEVERELY injured on that day. I can’t find mention of that anywhere. 

B. Jeffries claims Bowman’s actions were …accidentally inadvertent? Wow. That’s a huge stretch there. 

Bowman himself, a member of The Squad, is still doubling down that his fire alarm pull was a pure accident in the heat of the moment. 

Yes, such a rush to vote that he specifically took warning signs off windows and pulled that nice red lever that had big letters on it saying… FIRE ALARM. 

Now it may seem like it’s a trivial matter, but it isn’t. This wasn’t a juvenile pulling a middle school or high school prank. This is an elected member of Congress who did this. All in order to somehow delay a vote. 

First, this non-accidental pulling of the fire alarm is a misdemeanor. Secondly, purposefully disrupting the proceedings of Congress is a felony. 

Yet, we find out that, even as he pulled that alarm ON PURPOSE, the fix was in to give him a minor tap on the wrist and send Jamaal Bowman on his merry way. Furthermore, that was SO last month guys, knock it off!

Imagine if this was a Republican who did this? You can darned well bet there would be massive fines, jail time, and probation. 

Feature Photo Credit: VERY OBVIOUS Fire Alarm via iStock, cropped and modified

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