Target Slammed By Crazy Actress With Nonbinary Child

Target Slammed By Crazy Actress With Nonbinary Child

Target Slammed By Crazy Actress With Nonbinary Child

We bring you this Sunday issue of crazy with another Target story. This time, a Canadian actress by the name of Rachelle Lefevre sounds off on Target’s backpedaling and outright removal of some of the Pride displays at the front of its stores.

Who is Rachelle Lefevre? Who cares? I had no idea until I read the article because frankly, I don’t pay attention to anything these types have to say. For those who want to know, she apparently stars in “Twilight-New Moon”. As the story goes, Rachelle had a temper tantrum the other day because she thinks Target is engaging in “performative allyship”. Why? Because her child is nonbinary.

Her child is seven years old. Seven!

I came in here two days ago and my 7-year-old, who’s nonbinary, saw it and said, ‘Look, Mom, it’s pride Look, they’re going to celebrate me….”-Rachelle Lefevre

(Insert sad music here as the actress tears up for Instagram. Take a look (fast forward about 7:40 in):

I can’t bring them here anymore, at least for the entire month of June, because if they walk in, and all the other people who walk in and go, ‘Where’d it go?’ are going to realize that they are being successful in trying to erase them.”-Rachelle Lefevre

Now, I am going to do my best to leave the child out of this. But, this mentally ill, attention-seeking, woman is crying crocodile tears and putting this all on her kid.

Lefevre also sounded off back in 2022 after Roe v. Wade was overturned, correcting herself because she said in another Instagram rant that only women could have abortions. She apologized for her language not being inclusive enough. She was unkind to those delusional men who think they can magically become impregnated or something by rainbow unicorn sperm. How insensitive is she to assume only women can become pregnant and kill their children?

After all, Rachelle is trying to raise her kids to be “better people”. Kind is cool, kind is sexy. So are those PRIDE tuck-in swimsuits sold at Target. But, oh! The terrorist mob had them moved to the back or completely removed from the store (don’t worry, they are still online). How unkind! This is the terrible, horrible world we live in, according to attention-whore, Rachelle Lefevre!

We’re not supposed to negotiate with terrorists.”-Rachelle Lefevre

Now, that’s funny. Because the guy you and your buddies in Hollywood voted for did/does. He may not remember that he did but we’re feeling the pain, trust us. I would also argue that the so-called “terrorists” are coming from your camp, Rach. After all, who made bomb threats to Target stores over the past few days?

I would argue that the psychiatrist booth should be for the parents, in all honesty. I have a theory about these Hollywood types who claim their kids are nonbinary. I notice the following with the celebs with daughters. Personally, I think it’s a narcissistic attempt on behalf of the parent to not be surpassed by the daughters’ beauty. We can nod at J Lo and Angelina Jolie. Then, there’s the devil herself, Madonna, who got irritated when her gender-fluid son wore her clothes better than she did. Don’t tell me that dysfunction and narcissism is not there. These people are so afraid of their stars burning out that they hop on the latest trend in the hopes that their stars shine forever. They do this to the very detriment of the children they have been given the opportunity and the honor to raise. Instead, it is all about them.

Now, I could be wrong about my above theory. But I think there may be something going on in the collective subconscious minds of these freaks. The ego is a dangerous thing. And all of this business about kindness? Being in truth with your child is kind (even though it hurts like hell sometimes). The same goes for telling your kid one word-“no“. In other words, if your child is seven years old and is truly identifying as “nonbinary” and is upset that a Target PRIDE display is gone, it is your job, as a parent, is to level with your kid. I am convinced that there are better ways, and more caring ways for that matter, to do this other than airing your struggles on social media. Time to grow the frig up, Ms. Lefevre!

Rachelle, you can still shop at Target online and buy your child special underwear and swimsuits, you sick individual. In the meantime, get some more lip filler and work on your pout and crying for your Insta reel because frankly, your acting, and your parenting sucks.

Photo Credit: Robert T Bell from Oshawa, Canada, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    I came in here two days ago and my 7-year-old, who’s nonbinary, saw it and said, ‘Look, Mom, it’s pride Look, they’re going to celebrate me….”-Rachelle Lefevre

    That never happened so much that it made three things that did happen not happen.

  • NTSOG says:

    In the last two decades before I retired from professional work I noted an increase in parents becoming increasingly co-dependent with their children to the point that I and my colleagues often found ourselves wondering if a diagnosis of Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy [Factitious disorder] applied – to the parent[s]. In short these parents, mostly, but not exclusively, mothers lived their lives through their children and actively resisted any attempts to rectify the supposed problems in behaviour of their children so as to gain sympathetic attention. Their resistance included active sabotage of interventions and evading services when they were pressed to support interventions, often moving on to other districts and services. The current fad to destroy the normal social-sexual development of even young children seems to provide a perfect [and perverted] avenue for disturbed and attention-seeking parents to validate themselves at the expense of their children. It’s child abuse.

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    Horse Elbows, there is no such thing as a non binary 7 year old, the child is being used. The mother is a liar.

  • Steven Alpert says:

    The day is coming when all these poor trans-kids are going to ask “Why did you do this to me?”.
    Those will be traumatic confrontations in their families, and no forgiveness will be forthcoming.

    • Cameron says:

      I’m also fine with mass murder of the parents behind this. And if I was on the jury, the killer would walk free.

  • Otto says:

    Ha ha. This freak should be arrested and that kid put in foster care. There are only two genders.

  • Robin H says:

    The next time I go into my supermarket and they’ve rearranges the shelves I’ll be sure to have a public meltdown on Tic Tok. I mean, what if I can’t find the rainbow Oreos anymore?? I feel so bad for these poor kids. The most important thing to them is to please their parents and garner their love. They don’t know their parents are nuts, that will come later along with thousands of hours of therapy.

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