Immigration Officials Urged to Work Overtime, Because Hillary Must Win [VIDEO]

Immigration Officials Urged to Work Overtime, Because Hillary Must Win [VIDEO]

If you were suspecting all along that the Democratic Party sees immigrants not through the eyes of compassion, but of political interest, you may be right. Not…

Eric And Ivanka Trump Can’t Vote For Donald Trump In New York Primary. Sad!! [Video]

Eric And Ivanka Trump Can’t Vote For Donald Trump In New York Primary. Sad!! [Video]

Donald Trump is enjoying a YUUUGE lead in New York over Ted Cruz as the April 19th primary approaches. Which means that he’ll get a ton of votes,…

#LaborDay Campaigning: Hillary Demands Rally Attendees Sign Pledges (Video)

#LaborDay Campaigning: Hillary Demands Rally Attendees Sign Pledges (Video)

Hillary Clinton’s flagging campaign showed further signs of desperation over the weekend when she required attendees at a Cleveland rally to sign commitment pledges. The event…

Obama Proposes Mandatory Voting

No doubt still burning over Benjamin Netanyahu’s re-election in Israel, President Obama floated an idea that would ensure the perpetual presence of Democrats in the White House….

Obama Campaign on Women Voters: They Don’t Care!

In one of the most monumentally stupid statements ever made, Obama’s deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter, announced that women don’t care about what’s happened these past four…

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Ava Gardner