#TeamHeidi: Trump and His View of Women-Has He Sunken to a New Low?

#TeamHeidi: Trump and His View of Women-Has He Sunken to a New Low?

Donald Trump promises to be “as presidential as he wants to be” upon being elected. He states “I will be VERY good for women” so many times,…

Quote of the Day: Millennials Love Socialism… Until They Have to Pay for It

Quote of the Day: Millennials Love Socialism… Until They Have to Pay for It

People with brains have been perplexed over millennial support for Bernie Sanders. The man is an avowed socialist — he is hawking socialism on the campaign trail…

Quote of the Day: Obama Compares the American Revolution to Cuba’s Communist Takeover

Quote of the Day: Obama Compares the American Revolution to Cuba’s Communist Takeover

Plenty has already been said about Obama’s disastrous trip to Cuba. From covering up atrocities to Michelle flaunting her wealth, his little vacation has been a massive…

Quote of the Day: Michelle Obama Flaunts Her Wealth in Cuba

Quote of the Day: Michelle Obama Flaunts Her Wealth in Cuba

The Obamas went on a much-maligned trip to Cuba, rubbing elbows with Raul Castro. The administration showed excitement and enthusiasm about spending their Spring Break with a…

Quote of the Day: Donald Trump’s Horrifying #Brussels Statement

Quote of the Day: Donald Trump’s Horrifying #Brussels Statement

An ISIS attack in Brussels, Belgium has left the world shocked and in mourning. At least 34 people are dead after explosions went off in multiple locations…

My Wish for My Son on World Down Syndrome Day

My Wish for My Son on World Down Syndrome Day

For the pro-life community, stories of mothers who choose to keep their baby after receiving a prenatal diagnosis of a birth defect are seen as inspirational. I’m…

The Obamas Go To Cuba

The Obamas Go To Cuba

Spring Break 2016. The Obamas have deplaned in Havana. Not only has BHO proved to the masses that he can physically hold an umbrella in the rain,…

Quote of the Day: Conservatives call for a unity ticket against Trump

Quote of the Day: Conservatives call for a unity ticket against Trump

There are plenty of people who call themselves Republicans that support Trump. They call themselves Christians or conservatives… but are they? Or have they sold out their…

Quote of the Day: On Man Caves and Masculinity

Quote of the Day: On Man Caves and Masculinity

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve heard of man caves. Virtually every home design show on television will mention man caves. If you have married friends,…

The Abortion Dress (Yes There Is Such a Thing)

The Abortion Dress (Yes There Is Such a Thing)

Amidst the primaries, I’m looking at dresses. Not really. I am concerned about the state of chaos in our country with regard to this election. I am…

The Obamas: State Dinner Fashion Show Features “Zoolander” and $20,000 Dresses

The Obamas: State Dinner Fashion Show Features “Zoolander” and $20,000 Dresses

I may just get the “Ugliest Person on The Internet” award for this one today…but here it goes anyway because I’m a New York Italian chick with…

Quote of the Day: How Should the RNC Handle Trump?

Quote of the Day: How Should the RNC Handle Trump?

As we get closer to the end of primary season, everyone is questioning what we do now. Donald Trump looks very likely to be the nominee, though…

Quote of the Day: Ben Shapiro and Michelle Fields Quit Breitbart

Quote of the Day: Ben Shapiro and Michelle Fields Quit Breitbart

The assault on Michelle Fields has created a scandal that has seemingly reached fever pitch. Fields, a reporter for Breitbart, received little support from Breitbart after she…

Snowflakes in Arizona At This Time of Year? You’ll Find ‘Em in Tucson.

Snowflakes in Arizona At This Time of Year? You’ll Find ‘Em in Tucson.

Confession: Back in the 90s, I identified as a “liberal” whilst hanging around the University of Arizona campus taking my Creative Writing and Cinematography classes (which I…

Quote of the Day: Trump is Standing by Corey Lewandowski, Calls Michelle Fields a Liar

Quote of the Day: Trump is Standing by Corey Lewandowski, Calls Michelle Fields a Liar

The Trump campaign issued their official statement yesterday on the assault of Michelle Fields, but we had yet to hear from the Big Man himself. Judging by…

The Trump Campaign Finally Broke Their Silence on the Assault of Michelle Fields, and It’s Full of Lies

Despite Trumpbart’s very best efforts, the assault on reporter Michelle Fields by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has become major news. Up until now, the Trump campaign…

Quote of the Day: Why won’t Breitbart defend Michelle Fields after she was attacked by a Trump aide?

The web is buzzing about the horrifying battery of Michelle Fields by Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Fields has appeared on Fox News, and was hired by…

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Ava Gardner