Lena Dunham, I Don’t Believe You

On Buzzfeed this week Lena Dunham kept up her nonsense about her “sexual assualt”. Here is my response. Lena Dunham, I don’t believe you. I don’t believe…

College Professor Distributes “New Pledge” of Allegiance

College Professor Distributes “New Pledge” of Allegiance

Hold your hats, Ladies and Gents, here we have yet another story of a far-Leftist professor pushing his views on his students instead of simply teaching his…

Texas Led Coalition Unites to File Lawsuit Against Obama

Texas Led Coalition Unites to File Lawsuit Against Obama

On Wednesday, Texas Governor-elect, Greg Abbot, announced that Texas would be leading a 17-state coalition to sue President Obama’s administration over the far reaching immigration plan the…

Will African Americans Turn On Obama and the Democrats?

Will African Americans Turn On Obama and the Democrats?

Tonight President Obama will address the nation about his illegal immigration action plan. The president will move forward with his plan despite the fierce opposition from Capitol…

Victory Girls Blog: Today’s our 2nd Anniversary! *Throws Confetti*

Two years ago Victory Girls Blog went live and since that time, our focus has been one of promoting a conservative orthodoxy of fiscal responsibility, limited government…

The Victory Girls 9/11 Commemorative Podcast

On this day of remembrance, the Victory Girls would like to debut our new feature – the Victory Girls Podcast. Today’s podcast is in honor of September…

Her name was “Rovin’ Redhead”…

Today is our 1-year anniversary here at Victory Girls Blog and it hardly seems possible! One of the really fun things we’ve enjoyed over the last year,…

A Victory Girls 9/11 Collective:  We Remember, We Are Not Afraid

A Victory Girls 9/11 Collective: We Remember, We Are Not Afraid

Maybe some have been able to move away from that day, but I really haven’t. I remember everything. All the details about everything – even after twelve…

Because Catherine wants to know…

Brace yourselves. I want to ask readers of this blog a few questions.  I have always loved to write and pontificate on a number of subjects.  This…

Become a Victory Girl!

Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner