Benghazi: Ten Years Later And Forgotten

Benghazi: Ten Years Later And Forgotten

While it is deeply important that we continue to mark and remember 9/11 and the nearly three thousand innocent souls who perished on that day, we should also remember the Benghazi attack that cost the lives of four Americans ten years ago today.

Defending Obama: Washington Post Says Only TWO Americans Were Killed In Benghazi

Defending Obama: Washington Post Says Only TWO Americans Were Killed In Benghazi

Guess what? Only TWO Americans were killed in Benghazi. That’s according to a Washington Post reporter who is turning himself into a pretzel defending Obama. In his…

Iranian-Backed Militants Retreat From Embassy After U.S. Marines Show Up

Iranian-Backed Militants Retreat From Embassy After U.S. Marines Show Up

Retreat became necessary after our Marines showed up to defend American civilians and diplomats at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

Obama: I Was Without Scandal, And You’re Welcome [VIDEO]

Obama: I Was Without Scandal, And You’re Welcome [VIDEO]

Barack Obama is going to end his presidency still under delusions of his own competence. The man who once remembered that he was not a king is…

Inside Job: Benghazi Guards Hired By Hillary’s State Department Were Terrorists [VIDEOS]

Inside Job: Benghazi Guards Hired By Hillary’s State Department Were Terrorists [VIDEOS]

During this insane election season, Benghazi has been brought up on multiple occasions. As many know, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods, and Sean Smith were killed by terrorists…

Two #Benghazi Families Slap Hillary Clinton With Wrongful Death, Defamation Lawsuit

Two #Benghazi Families Slap Hillary Clinton With Wrongful Death, Defamation Lawsuit

Anyone paying even minimal attention to the Hillary Clinton email scandal knows that she skated on multiple felonies. Millions were aghast when FBI Director James Comey, having…

#Benghazi: Final Report Verifies Obama And Hillary Clinton Lied While Americans Died [VIDEOS]

#Benghazi: Final Report Verifies Obama And Hillary Clinton Lied While Americans Died [VIDEOS]

The final report makes it clear. The Obama administration including then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton failed at multiple levels to protect the Ambassador, embassy personnel, and the…

New Benghazi Witnesses Speak Out

New Benghazi Witnesses Speak Out

Two new witnesses have come forward to tell what they know about the events in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. Adam Housley of Fox News has…

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Phone Transcripts: ‘Attack Had Nothing To Do With Film’

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Phone Transcripts: ‘Attack Had Nothing To Do With Film’

Hillary Clinton abruptly canceled a Good Morning America town hall meeting set for this morning, citing scheduling issues. Keep in mind that she was the only Democrat…

Hillary Says $200K Speaking Fees Let Her Brag About Bin Laden Raid: No Mention Of Benghazi [Video]

Hillary Says $200K Speaking Fees Let Her Brag About Bin Laden Raid: No Mention Of Benghazi [Video]

This morning Hillary Clinton appeared on Meet The Press with Chuck Todd. The interview ran the gamut. Topics included her lackluster performance in the 2008 campaign, Michael…

Hillary Clinton Told Tyrone Woods’ Father YouTube Film Maker Would Pay For Sons Death

Hillary Clinton Told Tyrone Woods’ Father YouTube Film Maker Would Pay For Sons Death

The father of Tyrone Woods, a CIA contractor and former Navy SEAL that died in the attack on the Benghazi embassy annex in Libya has told Fox…

Watch the House Benghazi Hearing starring Hillary Clinton (Live Feed)

Watch the House Benghazi Hearing starring Hillary Clinton (Live Feed)

Hillary is to testify before the House of Representatives’ Benghazi committee today, but if you read the news, it sounds like the almighty Democrat front-runner will simply be…

Gowdy Under Pressure As Clinton Testimony Approaches

Even if no one else does, Representative Trey Gowdy takes what he is doing in chairing the special committee investigating Benghazi seriously. And he doesn’t care what…

Obama Scandal List

The Obama administration’s scandals are numerous, yet Obama and his media are wont to say that they are “phony scandals” that the Republican Party like to chase. But…

Benghazi: Citizen Commission and Emails Show Willful Lying by Administration

Benghazi: Citizen Commission and Emails Show Willful Lying by Administration

Over 100 pages of emails and documents were released to Judicial Watch as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.  Upon viewing many of these emails,…

Remember Benghazi: Rep. to Host Father of Tyrone Woods at State of the Union

Tonight, Barack Obama will stand before the American people delivering his long-winded State of the Union address. (And by “his,” I mean his warped perspective.) As we’ve…

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

As if the debacle that was Benghazi couldn’t get any worse, Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin drops this bombshell: CIA officials on the ground in Benghazi during the…

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Ava Gardner