Venezuela Protests Update: Dozens Dead, Food Shortages, and a Missing AP Story

While our attentions are laser focused on the illegal occupation of Ukraine by the chest-pounding Vladimir Putin and the less-than-tepid response to that invasion by the we-don’t-want-to-offend-you…

Guest Post: The Late Great United States of America

[Editor’s Note: This is the second of our guest articles by Marine Prepper.]   The purposeful socioeconomic collapse of our society is well underway. This collapse is…

French-style financial ruin coming to America

French-style financial ruin coming to America

Or:    “Hollande Never Had a Job in the Private Sector Either” This excellent article about the smart, able and fleeced fleeing France should serve as a clarion call…

The New Reality Sucks

I don’t have to bring you up to speed on the nefarious actions of both the government and their media minions over the last few weeks (and…

Private Citizen makes TV Ad warning against Socialism; says “Vote Republican!”

Private Citizen makes TV Ad warning against Socialism; says “Vote Republican!”

Thomas Peterffy grew up in socialist Hungary. Even though he didn’t speak English, he knew he wanted that “American Dream” so in 1956, he immigrated to the…


well, of course not. we are republic; a nation of laws that practices a form of democracy with a unique american exceptionalism that is greater then any…

caption this: The One and The Dictator

and other stuff below… [photopress:The_One_and_The_Dictator.jpg,full,pp_image] obama and chavez give secret commie handshake heh. _____ by the way, moonbattery is one of my favorite blogs. he has the…

not all pirates live in somalia

not all pirates live in somalia

while our federal government stands by their published report, considering us the peace-loving, law abiding, tax-paying center-right to be a serious threat to national security, liberal media…

dhs report on ‘right wing extremism’

did you know that our government, under The One’s administration, classifies a pro-life person, or a ‘states rights’ advocate, or one who is a supporter of enforcing…

sometimes arnold get’s it so right!

arnold schwarzenegger. with a few pointed comments, he reduces bo to a sniveling steve erkel. check this out: “Every year in March I come here to organize…

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Ava Gardner