sometimes arnold get’s it so right!

sometimes arnold get’s it so right!

arnold schwarzenegger. with a few pointed comments, he reduces bo to a sniveling steve erkel. check this out:

“Every year in March I come here to organize the Arnold Classic which is all about building the body and pumping,” said Schwarzenegger.

“That’s why I want to invite Senator Obama because he needs to do something about those skinny legs. I’m going to make him do some squats.

“And then we’re going to make him do some biceps curls to beef up those scrawny little arms. But if he could only do something about putting some meat on his ideas. Senator McCain on the other hand is built like a rock. His character and his views are solid.”

and then, as if that wasn’t enough, he explained socialism. wow!

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  • morris says:

    There you f#@@in rightwingers go.. Barack isn’t a communist or a socialist or anything but a fine patriot American. And when you all wake up on Wednesday morning you can call him Mr President.

  • BikerDan says:

    Dang… looks like FASDF got caught by Zoey’s sensor!

    And it looks like Morris needs to. Morris yes Obama is a socialist — in both word and deed. It is really sad that all of you supporters of him are so blinded that you can hear what he has said and read what he has written.

    The guy is WRONG for this country. If he wants to go be a ruler in France or latin America he might fit in.

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